Freeware Gems

Has this one been mentioned already?


Long Island Classic's Aeronca L16 by Kevin Lechmanski (Long Island Classics). The file ( is available at Avsim.
While you are there just do a search on "Lechmanski" and you will find ou all his models are real gems!

All of the Long Island Classic Aerona 7AC variants are gems. Will have to check out what is available under "Lechmanski".

Don't think this has been mentioned yet but the Simshed Westland/Sikorsky Wessex (S58 derivative
for you transatlantic types) should be in here.




Anyone know how, or where to get the Airhead Virtual Works Decathlon? Looks superb, though, when I try to download the file, it always fails.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks fellas :ernae:
The Airhead Deke is the one that pretty much can't be found anymore. I have it, but the installer's too big to email.

The LIC version by Kevin Lechmanski is just as good, if just a little tougher on frames - at least on my system.

I suppose you don't even tested the download links
The real trouble starts already :)
As usual with Backweb .. those links for download are dead links .. and this for obvious reasons.

Sorry about that. It's been awhile since I got it there. But the links to the paints still work. It does show the file name for the plane. I would look it up at the usual places.
Thanks for all the help, fellas. I tried yours Claudius, but they wanted me to join. :d I got it from Oleboy, as you suggested.

Thanks again mates. That's why this is my online Sim Home. :d :ernae: