I just finished putting bomb bay doors on the Mitchell. Problem is that it screws up some of the default AF99 gluing so that there is now a bleed in the cockpit area, so maybe this was not such a good idea.
AF99 default glue (viewing planes) uses the "Center of Gravity" of components to determine the axis between the pieces in order to create a plane separating them. The problem is that when I added about 8 more polygons to the mid fuselage, it threw the CoG of the middle fuselage down a bit further which inclined the viewing plane.... (By my best guess.) Perhaps I can balance things out by adding some more detail to the nose landing gear which would also move the CoG of the nose lower. (Really! No kidding!)
In order to get the spoilers to have an effect, I had to modify the AIR file so that spoilers actually would work. (For anyone who is interested, the controlling variable is in Record 320 - The Spoiler Angle. It doesn't matter what else is set elsewhere in the AIR file.)
It took me quite a while to find a good picture of a B-25 with its bomb bay doors open to check the angles. This morning, I found that the bomb bay doors had 4 rows of large circular perforations and not the simple average framing.... The doors just got retextured! ....But in order to put circular textures on an angled door, you need to change the ratio of vertical to horizontal scaling, which means that the textures need to be remapped again. Also, the choices of scaling are limited because circles can be 5 pixels in diameter or 7 pixels in diameter but not something in between. Same applies to spacing between circles. Either 2 or 3.
I also found that it took me 16 extra polygons instead of 8 because the doors span two components. The dividing line I picked for the aft fuselage did not take the doors into account. In order to move the component boundary, I need to recontour the aft fuselage (probably about 60-80 polygons and make sure all the other stuff such as the stabilizers and such still line up!
I think I will be taking them out for simplicity's sake. For resource limitations, I can't put in bomb bays anyway. I am already at 1178 out of a possible 1200 polygons, so there is not much room to adjust things. I wanted to use the left over polygons to adjust the shape of the engine cowls.
- Ivan.