I think a bug has re-settled into my brain! :d I just got done flying an excellent ship, in FS9, with such awesome FPS and maxed out just about everything.
I'm gettin' used to Track IR, and it's wonderful for taildraggers.
However, two things made my mind up for me. I'll be back for a while, and here's why:
1. I found an excellent aircraft, that I've wanted for a long time. Robert Sanderson's excellent Stearman 1955 without the equipment. Why you all may ask, "how've you not heard of that ship?" Well, I have, but I never could get decent frame rates out of it on past systems until now. It's a wonderful taildragger, that is now permanently in my top 5 aircraft. Can't believe I missed this aircraft for so long due to low FPS, but I just couldn't run it. This is like getting a nice new payware to help send me off into the sim again, for free!
2. I've always wanted a lot of bass without the top end high pitch noise. It pisses everyone in the room off. However, with my Logitech speakers/sub combo, I had a revelation. The speakers plug into the back of the sub, and the sub goes to the volume control and computer. I decided to plug my headphones into the sub and VOILA! I get to wear headphones like real pilots do, while the sub still vibrates my pedals and whole desk. :d It's so cool; I've finally found the greatest sound combination I could find.
Here's some shots of my first voyage back: half an hour series of touch n goes in that great plane. Enjoy ! I'll be back more often again.
Don't know how I missed it so long, but it's smooth as silk, now.
In the top 5 aircraft I'll fly regularly; I've been waiting for a great and up to date Stearman.
Flies nice, too. Crosswinds are a challenge, but not impossible with practice.
Track IR is great for this stuff.
Thanks for reading fellas. I'm gonna keep on flyin' :ernae: