FS2000 aircraft usable as AI in FS2004?


Retired SOH Admin
Just curious is these older aircraft would be usable as AI in FS2004. I just came across Brian Gladden's FS2000 Piper Pacer and Tri-Pacer...and thought they'd be nice to see flying as AI.

I have Brian's Pa22 for FS2002/2004 and I have made flight plans for it. It makes a good AI aircraft and looks good on the ramp, but it can impact a bit on frame rates, but not too seriously as to be annoying.
Never though about downloading and trying an earlier version, if I had a problem with the later version I might have tried.
If it displays in FS2004, it can be made to perform as AI.
(If your computer can handle it, there's nothing more beautiful than a full flight of Section8F Sabres.)
But flyables are high-poly beasts.
That's why AI are multi-LOD and (relatively) low-poly.
If the AI count gets into the 100's at a major airport, you need dedicated AI.
Also a lot of the older stuff will be missing props and other bits in FS9. I've used a few that were missing props however.
I managed to get some FS2000 aircraft to fly in FS9 by grafting FS2002 things onto them, Frankenstein-like. Kaveh Payandeh modified a stock 727 to look like a ficticious NASA shuttle trainer for FS2000 (Simviation) so I fiddled around with FS9 models and such until it worked. Don't know how these would affect fps as AI though.
Some planes just won't work as AI no matter what sim they were designed for. So if you try one and it doesn't work, try some more before you draw any general conclusions.

Also, if a plane seems to work, check it out in all views. Some planes are visible in spot view but not in panel and/or VC view. That can get awkward; just because you can't see them doesn't mean you can't collide with them and crash.