[FS2004] Freeware RAF Gutersloh - PREVIEW


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Hello Folks,

here are 2 videos for a new FREEWARE Scenery. RAF - Germany - Gutersloh.
This fantastic Scenery is coming soon, desining by Manfred Schyma and Peter Beeby.

FS2004 Freeware RAF Gutersloh Reloaded Vol. 1

FS2004 Freeware RAF Gutersloh Reloaded Vol. 2

have fun with this videos.

Kind Regards
@ jrbirdman
this scenery come soon, a few details are missing at the moment.

@ SSI01
time frame are the 80's. Aircraft in the 80's were BAe Harrier GR.3, T.4 and Wessex Helicopters.
I think Canberrra T.17 also.

kind regards

P.S.: For more funded skills please visit: www.SG-ETUO.de
Hi all,

in real life, it looked pretty much the same the last time I came by - Monday.

In fact, it sometimes was so convincingly real that I became unsure whether it is sim or real life footage - with a bad resolution, but still. You see worse real life footage on youtube.

Great work!

Curious - what aircraft were stationed here, and what is the time frame for the scenery?:icon_eek:

Main occupants were 3 and 4 sqn, harrier , 230 sqn puma helicopters, and 18 sqn chinook helicopters @ mid 1980's.
Prior to 1976 had been home to 19 and 92 sqns with BAC Lightnings, but they moved across to Wildenwrath with Phantoms, and 18 sqn Wessex until @ 1980, 18 sqn was then disbanded before being 'stood up' again with Chinooks' in 1983.
Almost all the other RAF types at the time would occasionally visit, for example Canberra T17's were all based at Wyton, but on occasion would use Gutersloh (and the other RAFG bases) as 'forward operating bases' as their tasking required.

Main reason for it being home to the harriers and helicopters was its proximity to the old east/west germany border


Wasn't a Canberra strike Sqn based there in the '60s or '70s too? (Heck, I should know this!). Anyway, the scenery looks brilliant.

all we get now is some Lynx traffic.

Base is about to be closed down and converted for industrial use mainly.

Best regards,

Fantastic videos of the new scenery. I'm looking forward to this new Coldwar airfield.

Please keep us posted on the airfield's progress.
Hi Pete,


Never been in there, just driving by in my car.

Best regards,

Hermann Goering had his own room in the mess, its' now used to house a small museum, anyway, here's the detail from here ----> http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102905

Gutersloh has a cracking room in the officer’s mess building in which Goering
used to stay, one of the oak beams in the ceiling has been rigged with levers
and pulleys to collapse under control by using a switch underneath the floor
boards. It was rigged up out of Aircraft parts by the German Airmen as a
practical joke after Goerings speach about the roof collapsing if any enemy
bomber makes it to the Reich. The room now houses an impressive collection of
relic aircraft parts, machine guns and swastika marked wing panals that have
been dug up over the years on the Airfield


(RAF Ret'd)
I will be reloading FS2004 just for this.

Worked at Gutersloh for 8 years as a civilian contractor.

3 and 4 Squadron harriers and 18 Squadron Puma`s in my time.

Hi Pete,

thanks for the information - did not know it before.

There are probably still lots of aircraft parts all over the site. The base was active until the end, finally with night fighters operating out of it.