Just a quick question, is the hides scenery additional to the hides scenery that's already available,
or a replacement for it?
IIRC we did one field deployment to a motorway service area that was not yet completed, nearby
@ 1983
First, the hides sceneries will be a completely replacement because of much improvent regarding models, textures and performance as well. Furthermore, we will get a better placement to the original sites at that time...
And second, Pete and Volker, please have a look at this sites:
Scroll a little, then you find a picture of a GR3 taxiing on the A33 indeed, that's been 1985 between Sennelager and Schloss Holte - Stukenbrock.
Translated text (roughly):
"XW768/O Harrier GR3 4Sqn A33 nearby Paderborn-Sennelager (October 1985) Today incredible doing this kind of operations - on the one hand because of the changed state of defence, on the other hand simply because of the today traffic density on german motorways....
Here some other pics (fortunately in english