[FS2004] Freeware RAF Gutersloh - PREVIEW

Just a quick question, is the hides scenery additional to the hides scenery that's already available,
or a replacement for it?

IIRC we did one field deployment to a motorway service area that was not yet completed, nearby
@ 1983



First, the hides sceneries will be a completely replacement because of much improvent regarding models, textures and performance as well. Furthermore, we will get a better placement to the original sites at that time...

And second, Pete and Volker, please have a look at this sites:


Scroll a little, then you find a picture of a GR3 taxiing on the A33 indeed, that's been 1985 between Sennelager and Schloss Holte - Stukenbrock.

Translated text (roughly):

"XW768/O Harrier GR3 4Sqn A33 nearby Paderborn-Sennelager (October 1985) Today incredible doing this kind of operations - on the one hand because of the changed state of defence, on the other hand simply because of the today traffic density on german motorways....

Here some other pics (fortunately in english :applause: )

The scenery will come with John Youngs fantastic AI Harrier GR3 and T4....Thank you so much, John for bringing back so many memories....

Soooo Cool! And he wrote the music; Genius :salute:

Saw the Canberra, and there was an F111 visiting from Heyford too.

Happy memories of the Good Ol' Cold War... :snowman:
Sweeeet!! So looking forward to this. And John Young's new Harriers (I assume that is what is being used in the vid) look really nice.
Okay, close to release here some final shots of John's marvellous birds, now at their parking spots they belong to:

Can I put in a request for some parking codes? Generic ones would be fine (SQN1, SQN2, etc), so that individual squadrons can be easily grouped together. It's a small thing, but it does cause me issues when I'm rolling back (Lightnings!!)


Taking FS 9 to totally new and exiting levels - love it!

Just goes to show what can be done by a dedicated team of enthusiasts.
And I can see many hours of creative thought, work and enjoyment hidden in there.

The details are breathtaking - right down to the gate guards.
Winter tree textures; stunning!

Admirably well researched and thought out project.

Congratulations to all involved.
Such kind words and recognition is the payment for all freeware developers. Thank you very much, Nigel and all others here who support us by their sympathetic comments! :applause:
Okay, some things in real life occupied much time. Now we are close to release, but we want to match the release with Johns great AI Harriers. It needs a little more time, so thanks for patience.... :wavey:

close to the release with RAF Gutersloh now, I did some experiments with the additonal Harrier Hides. They are completely new now, there would be too much problems to upgrade the existing versions.
So first of all, the ground polygon is done - also the trees are almost ready. The sensational textures are again from Pete Beeby - best possible trees textures for FS9 so far, I think....
