An F/A-18 arrives at Nellis AFB for Red Flag
I went to Red Flag in '87 with VMFAT-401, when they were Kfir's, about a year before they transitioned to F-5's.
That was a real experience, I can tell you that! Back then, food in Vegas was CHEAP. I must have gained 20lbs, and didn't spend $100.00 for the two weeks we were there. Anywho...
The AP's gave their part of the Flight Line briefing, and since they didn't have real fencing, they laid ropes out on the ground, with "entrance gates" left in them. We were told that the ropes were inviolable. Step over one, even in jest, and you were going to the Hoosegow. We didn't really believe them at first, but most of us were former Marines, so we made sure to be very careful.
Saw a F-14 driver, however, young LT, of course, who needed to go from their ready room waaaay down the flight line, then waaay back to his plane, right there near the ready room. HE didn't think, being a young LT, that rules applied to him, and didn't want to walk all that way to get to a plane that was feet away from him. Especially in all that flight gear, in the Nevada heat. He looked around, then walked straight to his plane.

He didn't get 5 feet over the ropes, when a jeep pulled up at many knots per, tires screeching, and a couple AP's piled out. The LT wound up face down on the concrete, none too gently, either, with two rifles in the back of his head.

Needless to say, he missed his flight, and his CO, who had to go bail him out, was NOT happy, especially since then they both got to go tell the Base CO of Nellis just why this young LT crossed THE ROPES...

An officer, who should have been more mature and responsible, etc, etc.
He didn't appreciate all of us from '401, on our way to work, laughing at him, as we walked by. WAY outside the ropes, naturally

But, since we were all civvies, what could he do? Even our Marine Reserve pilots got a good laugh out of it. Not publicly, of course
Sorry, the mention of Red Flag brought it to mind. Thought some of you might get a laugh.