FS2004 Screenshots Here!!!

It's the Killer Egg!

I actually heard a LOACH pilot call them that once.
Cracked up everyone in hearing. He just smiled and went to meet the chopper that was landing's pilot... :biggrin-new:

Great shots, though. Those rotor-head's were another critical part of trying to keep our guys alive. Tac-Air, the rotor-heads, the loggies, everything usually meshed so well...
Tet was an exception.

Climbing up...

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tear-assing around 'Nam

"The First of the Ninth was a old calvary division that traded in their horses for helicopters and went tear-assing around 'Nam looking for the ****..."



The Bell UH-1C "Huey Gunship"(. Once the larger and more powerful models of the Huey entered service the short bodied birds were converted to gunships that were used for escort of the 'Slicks' and for close support of ground troops.



The dedicated gunship Bell AH-1G "Huey" Cobra, a development of the UH-1
Captain Sim C-130. todays little 'fun' project.

I started flying the big beast again, and after a few flights with my overall grey 'unmarked' Herk, I decided I wanted something different than military, or gray... and well.. the civilian schemes I've found online were not doing it for me. Dave Sweetman had done the Transamerica turquoise blue and polished aluminium scheme a long time ago.. and doena damn fine job on it! I had it, but it had been languishing as the colours REALLY didn't do it for me....

It was a nice layout, but I didn't want an American bird either .. (being Canadian and all.. LOL) and well.. at this point, my wife walked in the room in a burgundy wine blouse...while I still had Dave's old TAL airplane on the screen........yup.. this was do-able.. LOL

A few hours in Photoshop.. and there we have her.. Same basic layout for the colour bits, just a bit different.
Thanks for doing al the hard bits DAX... you certainly made my job a lot easier!




  • Transglobal 2017 ramp.jpg
    Transglobal 2017 ramp.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 3
Interesting paint on that Herc, Bushi. :encouragement: You know, I have the CS C-130 Pro Pack, including the "Juliet"... seeing this pic has prompted me to dust off those planes and get them flying again.

Interesting paint on that Herc, Bushi. :encouragement: You know, I have the CS C-130 Pro Pack, including the "Juliet"... seeing this pic has prompted me to dust off those planes and get them flying again.

Thanks.. I cleaned her up a bit today.. added a couple of little things..

I'll pop into my 'hangar' see what strikes my fancy, and re-acquaint myself with an airplane. And more often than not.. this leads to some 'creativity' in Photoshop. It's therapy!

I have been playing with this one for the past couple of evenings. early wip.


  • mj_c47_bboop.jpg
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Sometimes jets just don't do!!!

I enjoy flying the stuff from the 60's, but sometimes they just don't move me as well as a nice prop does, so I walked out to the barn, kicked the dust off the tires and climbed into a great classic!!!




US Air Force Boeing B-29A Superfortress "Command Decision" in route from March AFB, California to Tinker AFB, Oklahoma; flying at FL300 on a heading of 090°, the time is 1035 hrs local.


Where else can you see this view Arizona, from 30,000 feet
This model is one that has sat in my hanger unflown for many years. I only found it again the other week, and have been playing with it on a regular basis since then.


  • ppp_oh6a_17cav.jpg
    63.7 KB · Views: 5
Is that model your creation or is it payware /freeware? I have never been able to find a decent "Little Bird".

Piglets Freeware Hughes oh-6a for fs2004. there is also a mh-6c model I know that both models are available at simviation.com, fs2004 helicopters, page 32.
