Fs9 Alphasim MB5 repaints

Rich, I was up later than I had planned so I gave your FSX alpha channel textures a try and they work great in cfs2! Thanks very much to NickB and to you for both your work on these great looking repaints that are usable in three sims!. :applause::ernae::applause:

gedm, thanks for testing I thought they would be ok in CFS too but have'nt got it installed to check, nice to have something that will work in 3 different sims.

Main thanks should go to NickB whose paints they are I just did the easy bit
Thanks to everyone for your kind comments. Well done to gedm and especially to Rich for breathing new life into old paints. Special mention should go to Alphasim for their layered paintkits which makes painting multiple paint schemes so easy. Not forgetting Helldiver who I think started the original thread.:medals:
It's good that the Martin Baker MB-5 should be celebrated even though it only in Flight Simulator. The F8-F Bearcat came out at the same time as the MB-5 but it was allowed to fly in squadron strength.
I certainly looks like an improvement over the P-51. It looks cleaner, stronger and the wide landing gear is a distinct improvement. I really like the airplane and thanks to Rich for straightening it out in FSX .

Anyone know what the ordinance loadout was to be? I figure it was going to be something like the T.bolt or Mustang.
I've found that due to the wide landing gear I might have to drop the rocket load from eight to six on the damage profile.
