Sorry, everyone - we had a crew working on some cable runs a few blocks from here and apparently caused a malfunction in our service and we just got service back about one hour ago. Otherwise I would have posted sooner.
Here's a screenie of how things stand on the new installation:
These files are installed on G drive. G drive is an external Seagate Backup Plus drive, capacity 3.63TB, space used so far 127GB
Flight Simulator 9 is a folder set up to receive the next installation of FS9, but that hasn't happened yet. It was originally intended to run FS9 into this folder, then rename it for 1990S era add-on scenery and aircraft.
FS 1970S is the FS9 iteration set up for 1970s era add-on scenery and aircraft.
FS 1980S is the FS9 iteration set up for 1980s era add-on scenery and aircraft
FS 2000S is the FS9 iteration set up for 2000s era add-on scenery and aircraft. There is nothing in this folder.
FS9 TEST is the folder containing the pristine, untouched, out-of-the-box copy of FS9 - it doesn't even have the 9.1 update installed yet.
FS9.1 has folders in it that were in the original FS9 and were replaced or modified by the 9.1 update. Kept for reference.
add-on aircraft are just add-ons that will be added to the new copies of FS9 once this mess is sorted out.
I can give you a run-down on what FS9 files are on E drive, an internal drive in the desk-top computer, if you like. I've used about 55% of that drive so far.