Taking off from water. What works for me is, 1 notch of flap, full power, control column forward until she sits "on the step" then gentle back pressure and up she comes.
Couple of queries from me: can't get the steps to show on the "modern" version, and how do the cupboards open in the "classic"?
1) Flaps are not required or recommended for takeoff; 2.5 to 3 degrees of nose up trim is. Elevator trim gauge on lower panel.
2) See the Operations Controls Document:
Some of the Controls to know about are:
1) The slash key (spoiler key in FS9) hides/unhides the pilot yoke
2) The forward hatch is opened using shift+e, then 2
3) In the Classic version, the cabin table is animated with the flaps (retracted-table is up; deployed-table is stowed)
4) Shutting down the battery power on the ground hides the pilots.
5) The Emergency brake (cntrl period) activates the anti-squat strut (Classic version) and the tail support and stairs (modern version)
6) The passenger door key sequence opens the door (and moves the stairs in position for the modern version).
All other FS commands function normally.
I see I left out mention of the cabinet doors (my apologies).
Cabinet doors are opened using shift+e, then 2