FS9 Grumman Mallard Released and Available

Great release :applause::applause:
In FS2004
All work fine ..... until I "land" on water ...
Never able to take off again ... full power and sitting duck :a1310: :adoration:
Not first time I have this problem ... solution possible but no remember it
Taking off from water. What works for me is, 1 notch of flap, full power, control column forward until she sits "on the step" then gentle back pressure and up she comes.

Couple of queries from me: can't get the steps to show on the "modern" version, and how do the cupboards open in the "classic"?

Taking off from water. What works for me is, 1 notch of flap, full power,
By "sitting duck" .. I mean ... the aircraft no move 1 millimeter with full power applied !!! :adoration:
Great release :applause::applause:
In FS2004
All work fine ..... until I "land" on water ...
Never able to take off again ... full power and sitting duck :a1310: :adoration:
Not first time I have this problem ... solution possible but no remember it

This is the FS9 "sticky water" issue at play. The answer is to have a little wind speed set if you are not running real weather, or just run RW.

I will also remind everyone that 2 1/2 to 3 degrees of nose up trim is best for the takeoff run.
I see that this is labeled as version 1.0, and I wonder how it differs from the version 1.0 released last summer???

I presume it must be better in some way or it wouldn't have been made and released, though it's hard to imagine how the excellent earlier version left much room for improvement.

Will the skins for last summer's version work on this one?
I see that this is labeled as version 1.0, and I wonder how it differs from the version 1.0 released last summer???

I presume it must be better in some way or it wouldn't have been made and released, though it's hard to imagine how the excellent earlier version left much room for improvement.

Will the skins for last summer's version work on this one?


The last summer release was an alpha release, a work-in-process.

The current release is FS9 as the model evolved and includes a modern business cabin as well as a Classic interior. This is the finished product.

The VC is standard FS9 stuff, 2D gauges, etc. This version has different flight models for FS9 and the FSX port over, improved exterior and interior texture mapping. The last summer textures are obsolete though could be brought up to date with the new paint kit released.
This release makes me wonder why most people insist on native releases for FSX. I only need to load this port over once, with the native I must load it twice to clear the bilge. The frame rate on the native on my feeble rig is 13 to 14 while the port over is 19 to 20 both sitting at the same spot. The startup sound for the native is better but that can be swapped. So for me the winner is the port over. Thanks to all who had a hand in her build.
I only fly FSX and of the 1,00+ aircraft in the hangar I reckon 80% or more are port overs. Never understood why some are so particular about native models. Supposedly better on frames but I don't really notice that. The biggest advantage with natives is you can use a VC from another native model which can be handy.
Taking off from water. What works for me is, 1 notch of flap, full power, control column forward until she sits "on the step" then gentle back pressure and up she comes.

Couple of queries from me: can't get the steps to show on the "modern" version, and how do the cupboards open in the "classic"?


1) Flaps are not required or recommended for takeoff; 2.5 to 3 degrees of nose up trim is. Elevator trim gauge on lower panel.

2) See the Operations Controls Document:

Some of the Controls to know about are:

1) The slash key (spoiler key in FS9) hides/unhides the pilot yoke
2) The forward hatch is opened using shift+e, then 2
3) In the Classic version, the cabin table is animated with the flaps (retracted-table is up; deployed-table is stowed)
4) Shutting down the battery power on the ground hides the pilots.
5) The Emergency brake (cntrl period) activates the anti-squat strut (Classic version) and the tail support and stairs (modern version)
6) The passenger door key sequence opens the door (and moves the stairs in position for the modern version).
All other FS commands function normally.

I see I left out mention of the cabinet doors (my apologies).
Cabinet doors are opened using shift+e, then 2
Hi Milton

Many thanks for the response.
Firstly, I have found that on the classic version, lowering and raising the gear, not the flaps, retracts and stows the table.
Secondly on points 5 and 6 is there a duplication for opening the main door and positioning the stairs? Shift-e certainly opens the door but no stairs (point 6), but on point 5 control-period does no more than apply the brakes.

If I'm missing something obvious I apologise, but have struggled with this since yesterday evening with no progress.

This is the FS9 "sticky water" issue at play. The answer is to have a little wind speed set if you are not running real weather, or just run RW.
Thank you :encouragement:
Tested and worked
Another solution not involving weather option (I use it for now) is to reduce the fuel quantity on board :adoration:
Hi Milton

Many thanks for the response.
Firstly, I have found that on the classic version, lowering and raising the gear, not the flaps, retracts and stows the table.
Secondly on points 5 and 6 is there a duplication for opening the main door and positioning the stairs? Shift-e certainly opens the door but no stairs (point 6), but on point 5 control-period does no more than apply the brakes.

If I'm missing something obvious I apologise, but have struggled with this since yesterday evening with no progress.



The emergency brake should always be set before the stairs are deployed or the door opens.
Set the brake, open the door. That's how it should work.

Yes, the table doc is incorrect; should be with the gear. Thanks
Thank you :encouragement:
Tested and worked
Another solution not involving weather option (I use it for now) is to reduce the fuel quantity on board :adoration:

The sticky water issue is with FS9 (and is well documented) also evident in how fast the aircraft slows in the water after landing.
The issue is not with any of the floats or amphibs in the sim.
FSX corrects this issue.

Running RWx normally always has winds but if you never run RW, then set winds to 5-15 knots and run with full fuel. Or, do as you are doing.
Hallo Milton,

I was astonished to read about the problems some have with waterstarts with this fine bird.
I ditched her on different waters in my normal flying areas (Brittany, Lorient and Belle-Ile).
And take off was with out any problems. The sole thing is that at first I must give full power till she begans
to move. I believe that this is quiet normal as the resistance of water is higher than with wheels on a normal hard
ground. Changing direction , for example to pick up a mooring buoy must be done with differential engine power left or right.
I just changed the lateral view value for the eyepoint to -1.07 from -1.20 as I like to have the center of the steering wheel
in the center of my monitor.
Milton, you and your friends did again a wonderfull work and permits us to fly a fine bird on our sim.
And last not least thank you not to forget all those who still fly with the good old FS2004.
Sadly most designers have forgotten us and so their certainly good work is no longer avaible for us.

Magically Immersive.

Just makes you wan't to get comfy in the cockpit and FLY.

AWESOME model (as to be expected), really nice textures - some really great choices of exteriors.

LOVED the exterior glass textures and transparency setup - that got my 'nosiness' going full swing. :kilroy:
Speculars very nice on exterior, too...might just try an Alpha channel boost to take advantage of what's there.

Someone's already picked-up on the cool water effects - that's a big thumbs up, too :encouragement:

Looking forward to picking up more of Wellis' awesome exteriors to build up a fleet - VERY nicely balanced textures.

The 'nude' version of this model has been my relaxation 'safety-valve' for a fair few months, so I'm overjoyed that Milton's beautiful work can now be fully enjoyed in all its splendour by all.

Loving it! :wiggle:

EDIT: Dang well charms the pants off you in FSX!
Stairs, etc

Hello Milton

Finally sorted out the issue with the stairs. After a little trial and error, it would seem that once the battery switches are in the "off" position the stairs and other bits and pieces, in both models, work as they should, once the parking brake is set of course.

Thanks for your responses to my query, I am now out of your hair !!!

Just for info @ Milton

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Scenery FS2004 Scenery--Muxtamel Airfield
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Name: fs9mallardradial.zip
Size: 106,621,328 Date: 05-10-2016 Downloads: 46



FS2004 Scenery--Muxtamel Airfield (LEMU). Situated about 6km north of Alicante, Muxtamel airfield is not listed in the Spanish AIP, being a small one, but still plays an important role in aviation as a training center for full PPL/CPL on fixed wing and rotary aircraft. The airfield does not have navaids, being only for VFR, but you can use the VOR's and NDB at LEAL as a navigational aid. This scenery was created by Barry Martin Edwards using ADE9x.

