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Another little trick I discovered, and I have no idea where by now, that will speed up the loading of an aircraft is to check it's aircraft.cfg for a couple of specific lines.
Under the [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] section, look for the line max_number_of_stations= XX, where XX is a number. A lot of developers leave it at the default 50, but the greater the number, the longer it takes to load the plane. Count the number of entries marked by the lines station_load.0 = through station_load.X = , where X is the highest number in the sequence. Like station_load.0 = through station_load.10 = , for example. Change the max number of stations line to equal the number of station load entries. In our example above that would be 11. Notice that the Stations start at 0 (zero), not 1, so the max number will be one greater than one would think from the final station load entry.
The same situation applies to the [contact_points] section. It's Max number line reads max_number_of_points = XX . Again, make sure is reads a number to match the number of point.0 = entries. As well, bear in mind that the points.X= start at 0 (zero), not 1, so the max points will be 1 greater than the highest number of point.X entries, same-same as with the W&B section's entry.
This little tick actually does affect the loading time of an aircraft, I've found. If you have a plane that's slow to load, take a look and see if this situation applies. It will help out.
Under the [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] section, look for the line max_number_of_stations= XX, where XX is a number. A lot of developers leave it at the default 50, but the greater the number, the longer it takes to load the plane. Count the number of entries marked by the lines station_load.0 = through station_load.X = , where X is the highest number in the sequence. Like station_load.0 = through station_load.10 = , for example. Change the max number of stations line to equal the number of station load entries. In our example above that would be 11. Notice that the Stations start at 0 (zero), not 1, so the max number will be one greater than one would think from the final station load entry.
The same situation applies to the [contact_points] section. It's Max number line reads max_number_of_points = XX . Again, make sure is reads a number to match the number of point.0 = entries. As well, bear in mind that the points.X= start at 0 (zero), not 1, so the max points will be 1 greater than the highest number of point.X entries, same-same as with the W&B section's entry.
This little tick actually does affect the loading time of an aircraft, I've found. If you have a plane that's slow to load, take a look and see if this situation applies. It will help out.