For your viewing... texture of Hard to Get for FSX by Jan Kees (available at Ozx) ; converted to Fs9 format, on the reflective model.
Not too bad for first pass.
The 'how to' : Using DXTBMP ; 1) take each external texture .dds ; export the alpha and save each alpha for later as bmp
2) Save the dds external texture as extended 32 bit 888 format
:Using your paint program 1) resize each 32 bit 888 bmp texture and its' associated alpha to Fs9 friendly image size 1024 x 1024
: Back to DXTBMP open each resized bmp file and import the alpha for it that you saved ; then FLIP image and alpha ; save ; and you're good to go.
As Milton says, you don't neeed (FS9 doesn't use) bump and spec etc so ok to delete them.
This one won't be uploaded before anyone asks, unless I can get permission to from original author.