FS9- question about realism settings!

willy spaten

Hi Guys-
for FS9- I have a question about flight realism settings,

Which setting of "easy" "medium" "hard" is considered the most realistic?

This ought to be interesting. We've had some pretty good food fights over realism.

I make no pretense on being able to answer the question. I do suspect that hard realism is just that.. hard.
I have mine set to hard. I figure the most realistic the better and I don't remember an "easy" button in any aircraft I've been in. Of course, this is going by the assumption that "Hard" isn't harder than it would be for real.
Most realistic depends on the model I think.

Depending on how they build the model will determine how it handles.

Take for instance the default Piper Cub. Under the Hard (all sliders right) setting it is almost unflyable. I have had a couple of different people who flew the real plane and they tell me that if the real thing were that hard to fly it never would have been on the market.

Now look at some of the alternate air files made for that aircraft. I think Bill Lyons did one. It flies much better with that air file and config file when on hard (all sliders full right) but is it realistic for the plane. I can only guess that it is.

Some planes WOP or A2A tell you in the manual to move all the sliders over because that is the setting that they built the plane around. It therefore looses something when you have the sliders to the left.

Personally I have my sliders to the right and I don't have any issues with aircraft except for the default planes that were built for more of the middle of the road.

If you are looking for realism get a pilots license and get in a real plane. :applause:

If you are looking to have fun with the simulator start moving realism sliders to the right who cares if you have a ground or mid air incident just restart the sim :icon_lol:

LoL--O dear--have I opened pandora's box?
Oh yea!

I'll weigh in with my 2 cents. . . .I keep mine centered between all three. I am not a "systems type", one who has to constantly monitor every modeled system in the aircraft during flight. I find that boring and that's not why I fly in FS9. I know the basics of flight and what makes an aircraft stay up and what makes it come down, that's all I'm interested in. Everything else I do in the sim is based on enjoying the magic that is FS9.

For me, the settings I use are just fine and give me just enough input that I have to tweak the airplane from time to time on long flights or keep hands on during short hops.
Helos I set to Easy. Piglet's F-5 series I set to Easy as in all other settings I can barely get the plane off the runway.

For nearly all other planes I set to Medium.

While I don't want an arcade feel to FS9, I also want to be able to fly my planes without having to constantly monitor every single thing...I know it's not realistic, but I am not a trained and certified pilot. I am a sim pilot flying simulated planes. Flight simming, either in FS9 or CFS2, allows me to endulge in my love for aircraft, for aviation history, the sheer joy of flight, without the risk of killing myself in a real aircraft.

. . . . .While I don't want an arcade feel to FS9, I also want to be able to fly my planes without having to constantly monitor every single thing...I know it's not realistic, but I am not a trained and certified pilot. I am a sim pilot flying simulated planes. Flight simming, either in FS9 or CFS2, allows me to endulge in my love for aircraft, for aviation history, the sheer joy of flight, without the risk of killing myself in a real aircraft.
Well said OBIO!!:ernae:
I have all the sliders to the full right except for crash tolerance. I've found that setting that one full right causes problems with some amphibs in the water. So I keep that one full left. Of course, some of that realism goes out the window with auto-rudder turned on - I don't have pedals and I find a twist stick just isn't a good substitute.
As realism sliders are turned down the sim begins to simplify (dumb down) it's equations. All of the flight models I have done were done with slideras at full, and tuned to attempt to give as realistic (as I can do) experience with them at that level.

Cheers: T.
I keep it all full right, but as Obio said, we are sim pilots flying sim planes, so your personal preference is always right. For me the challenge is to fly as professionally and accurately as I can. For that reason if someone's recently started simming I recommend full right settings from the word go and compensate by flying slower, simpler aircraft until they get used to it rather than starting with the sim dumbed down. But that's just me :)

Hi there,

All my sliders are full right, except for the p-factor which is full left (for twin engines and more). The only exception being for helicopters so I don't smash them all the time at the moment I take off.:monkies:

I run all mine all right then the general option back one click
Ive done it this way since reading setup recommendations over at hovercontrol.com for chopper flying
Choppers have always created a bit of heat in such discussions. I persevered and learned to fly them in FS9 full right. In my opinion FSX has improved chopper handling a bit as it is possible to fly backwards etc. A friend wh flies both real and FS choppers says that the FS ones are a bit harder.... However he also said a great truism, that the 'ligh bulb" will finally come on and you will get it after a bit.

Most real planes are not too difficult to fly, but the penalties for divergence are somewhat greater than a "CTD".

Cheers: T.
For the purpose of participating in the RTW race I had to learn to fly 'all sliders right' a few years ago, and I haven't reduced the difficulty settings since.
Only very few aircraft give me a hard time now; the CS Starfighter (On landing) and the FR Avia S-199 are some of the more challenging aircraft for me to fly. Helicopters I only fly in FsX.
I always flew with settings to "Hard"...figured to push it from the beginning. Heli's definitely present a challenge...but that is the point of it all. Someone once said that the best settings are the ones that give you the most enjoyment....I have to agree with that insight:mixedsmi: