Sim Junkie
thanks DD, will carry on forwarding the ports then.
what is an internal port vs. external port?
attached find linksys screenies.
I just noticed on your screenies- ya see the checkbox next to that address ?? Make sure after you set the port forward info you CHECK that 'enabled' box, and ensure the address 'To IP' is your PC's address. You can also force your router to assign your PC the same address everytime you power it up but I'll have to look thru my menus again to remember how to do it, you prolly don't want to mess with the IP numbers in windows- it can get messy.
Run 'ipconfig' from a command prompt to see what your PC IP address is.
<edit> IIRC on the 'setup' menu of your router you can assign a static IP to your PC (make sure your PC is setup for a DYNAMIC IP address), on my router port #1 (numbered above the ports on the back of the router) was assigned XXX.XXX.XXX.101, port 2 was XXX.XXX.XXX.102, etc.