FSX 737 MAX ported over.

I'll be interested to hear your opinion, Pam!

At the price it's selling for, I'm not looking for survey sim quality. :) And in fact, I don't really want that level of detail -- the CRJ-550/700 is enough systems learning for me for now!

But I would like something that feels convincingly authentic, has essential systems that work (like autopilot), and has performance close to reality. :)
To be quite honest, I bought the plane because I was pissed off.. The guy has had to deal with a **** ton of political crap from the git go, and it totally rubbed me the wrong way.. In the meantime, He has continued to improve and update the plane on more than a reular basis, acting in a fervor Ive never seen before, while just trying to make a rally nice plane.. Theres no way I'm not going to support that.. The man has courage and he's dedicated.. That speaks volumes..

From what Ive seen so far, the plane is very simple and basic. the switches do not all work for instance.. But with what Ive seen of his persistance, I know they will work at some point.. I'll be happy to write up a pirep for ya.. :)..
Nice! Yeah, I feel the same way. There's an unfortunate online contingent that reacts in a hostile and accusatory manner when things don't meet their arbitrary personal standards. Seeing some devs who had nice planes like the Black Box L-19 and the DC Designs F-15 get slammed was annoying, and I'm really saddened by the way the first GAS effort was received. There are a couple of commercial planes out that are merely purchased 3D models shoved into the sim, but those two are the exception.

I got Bredok's Eurofighter and while some of the paints are embarrassingly silly and it's admittedly not up to the detail/accuracy standards set by Dino, DC Designs, etc, I was pleased that flying it did not actually give me a fatal disease as some had implied would happen. :) It's fun for some low-level, go-fast flying.
First run up for the MAX.. 1. I classify this as a beginner aircraft. It's easy, uncomplicated and yet basically complete.. Systems depth is not there beyond what is needed to run the plane and theres some new entries in the FMC for entering course and INS settings Ive never seen before, so even an old dog like me has something new to learn.. It's almost as responsive in a roll as a 757 but minutely slower in the roll.. It IS prone to overspeed during VFR flight so watch your speeds closely.

2. Dont expect PMDG level of systems detail. It just isnt going to happen. It's a basic aircraft like CLS's use to be ( And I still go back to FSX to fly those ).

It IS fun. This one is getting My logo and it will become a mainstay of my flying experience in FS2020 ( There are several recently released aircraft that wont.. )

Now if only someone would make a Dornier do-328 or do-328j
Nice! Yeah, I feel the same way. There's an unfortunate online contingent that reacts in a hostile and accusatory manner when things don't meet their arbitrary personal standards. Seeing some devs who had nice planes like the Black Box L-19 and the DC Designs F-15 get slammed was annoying, and I'm really saddened by the way the first GAS effort was received. There are a couple of commercial planes out that are merely purchased 3D models shoved into the sim, but those two are the exception.

I got Bredok's Eurofighter and while some of the paints are embarrassingly silly and it's admittedly not up to the detail/accuracy standards set by Dino, DC Designs, etc, I was pleased that flying it did not actually give me a fatal disease as some had implied would happen. :) It's fun for some low-level, go-fast flying.

The biggest stumbling block I see today, are all these new deevelopers, that want to singlehandedly make the entire airplane. I dont know what drives them to do that, and yeah, they get a great sense of accomplishment from releasing the thing, but they produce a mediocre product that is lackluster aand bug ridden.. It's kind of sad..
Nice! Yeah, I feel the same way. There's an unfortunate online contingent that reacts in a hostile and accusatory manner when things don't meet their arbitrary personal standards.

Yep, and as we know it's been like this since way back when mods first became possible in FS. This was one of the reasons why I ultimately retired from FS development.

I admire those still in the game, you've got to have pretty thick skins and a passion to keep going, especially with the infinitely higher expectations than when I stepped away from it. Kudos to you all.

- dcc
Yep, and as we know it's been like this since way back when mods first became possible in FS. This was one of the reasons why I ultimately retired from FS development.

I admire those still in the game, you've got to have pretty thick skins and a passion to keep going, especially with the infinitely higher expectations than when I stepped away from it. Kudos to you all.

- dcc
Well, if I can thank you again for your P-38s to help compensate for the rude and unappreciative, I will. :) Spent so much time flying Glacier Girl...
Ihhhg.. I got to talking about the wrong plane.. But yes.. I believe I bought that version and was flying it jjust a few hours ago.. Fun little aircraft..
More info

​Pam, there is an updated version
out now. V1.3

More info about the current version, V1.3, released in April.


-New audio licensed by FTSIM+ with original Boeing 737 sound
-Renewed Autopilot system
-Edited the Apu start and master in the correct original position
-External hublot lighted
-New overhead lights color
-Remake the Flight Model for a more realistic interaction
-Flaps portance improved
-Added PFD and MFD panel brightness adjustment levers
-Added Yaw Damper button
-Added Windows heater (not yet lighted)
-Added Pilot heater (not yet lighted)
-Added Fire System buttons (beta)
-New Anti-ice system
-Fixed External Power avail light
-Added Contrails
-Other general fixes



  • Bredok3d-Boeing-737-V1.3-max-Manual-Basis-.pdf
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