Someone sending the .bat file to you won't work. Here's the readme in English:
Version 0.2, 11/15/2007
- New command line switch to set the desired fps (/f:x), default is 30
- New command line switch to enable or disable logging (/l:ON|OFF), default is OFF
- New ingame keys to change the desired fps (F10 decrease / F11 increase)
- New ingame fps display, show or hide with F12, command line switch is /x:ON|OFF, default is OFF
Version 0.1b, 11/13/2007
- Fixed Bug in D3D9 Hook
- Fixed Bug in D3D8 Hook
Version 0.1, 11/12/2007
Run FPS_Limiter_GUI.jar and click SEARCH EXECUTABLE
browse for and select FSX.exe
set frame limit to 30 under MAXIMUM FPS
Once complete close the interface and use the created file to start FSX (double click it)
set frame lock to UNLIMTED in FSX and use the AG slider to tune
You MUST have JAVA installed to use that interface
Now here is the deal... this attacks the UNLIMITED FRAME LOCK problem related to Vsync introduced by Aces in SP1/SP2. Instead of tuning the FRAME LOCK you will tune the AUTOGEN slider for smooth results where you are flying. Leave the FSX frame lock slider at UNLIMITED at all times.
You can fine tune this app as well...
I found 30 was the sweet spot for all occasions. I would suggest no less than 24 and no more than 30 but start with 30.
FSX must always be started by clicking the created command line BAT file.. NOT the FSX desktop icon