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Gyro fun





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Terrible story, but I'll never forget this...
When I was a kid, about 10-12, my father took me to the Reno Nationals, like he did every year. We both enjoyed them no end. One display was a wingwalker on a Grumman Duck. Great show, and we'd seen it in past years. One thing we saw was Bob Hoover up above a few thousand feet in his P-51, just doing lazy acrobatics while the Duck put it's show on. Anyway, one part of the show, they came in inverted, wingwalker on the top of the upper wing, and he'd reach "up" (down, really) and grab a banner held up on two tall poles. Then they'd push up and away, rolling right side up as they did, with the banner held by the wingwalker.
They came in, inverted, low enough to get the banner. Something happened. A gust, a thermal, who knows. The plane dipped a little. Just a few feet, but enough that there was now half a wingwalker on the upper wing. His body, from the waist down, still held in the little stand they used. The pilot was good enough to push, rather than pull back on the stick, to get up and away, but he was blinded by the remains of his wingwalker, who thankfully felt nothing. No time, I'm sure.
They pilot started to roll back upright, but was having trouble, since he couldn't see out of his goggles. Suddenly, like magic, which I swear he is, Bob Hoover's P-51 appeared from where he had been, and welded it's self to the Duck's wing. Mr. Hoover talked that pilot all the way around and onto the runway, then came in and landed himself. You couldn't see it from the stands, but I understand the Duck's pilot quit flying once he got out of the plane. Just walked away, got in his car, and went to the nearest bar. I can't say I blame him a great deal.

Anyway, every time I see a Duck now, that memory comes to mind, no matter how hard I try to forget. I was was just at the age when I started to understand what "death" meant, and obviously seeing this happen left quite an impression on me. Aviation, as we all know, is dangerous, and the military aviation even more-so. I've seen others die, and come very, very close to it, since then, but that... [shudder]

Sorry for the downer, but there it is, for what it's worth.
vtol and sling

Recently discovered joy of flying rotary wing with a sling load... haven't managed to get one down safely yet but with more practice perhaps...





What ground textures are you using for genuine looking sand desert?


What ground textures are you using for amazing mountains?

