FSX Screenshots Here!!

It is the payware FS2004 Fokker D.VIII that was released through the company that no longer exists called "Blutwerks", created by SOH member "Baron Von Blutwerst", who unfortunately we've missed having here for a number of years now. I've had the aircraft in my backups since originally purchasing it in 2009, and it has always been a must for me to have installed into FSX. It works very well in FSX (DX10 in my case) - standard prop over clouds/trees issue, but limited by the "fast shutter speed prop texture" - and helps make my FSX WWI collection that much more complete. ; )



It is the payware FS2004 Fokker D.VIII that was released through the company that no longer exists called "Blutwerks", created by SOH member "Baron Von Blutwerst", who unfortunately we've missed having here for a number of years now. I've had the aircraft in my backups since originally purchasing it in 2009, and it has always been a must for me to have installed into FSX. It works very well in FSX (DX10 in my case) - standard prop over clouds/trees issue, but limited by the "fast shutter speed prop texture" - and helps make my FSX WWI collection that much more complete. ; )

Thanks John...shame it's not still available.
Bill's WT-9 Dynamic is quite fun once you've polished it a wee bit to iron out some bugs.

Waking up JG-74.


Slipping away eastward in some glorious early morning weather.


The Eufis never scrambled, so I've repeated the exercise at WTD61's home plate (which is basically across the fence from Neuburg).



Searched high and low for an ADF receiver in the cockpit and assumed another bug at play. Turns out the real deal doesn't have one, so the virtual counterpart doesn't have one either. Maximum realism!
Sick of the British weather - so I cleared the skies over Portland, Dorset and put the Harrier through its paces...stick forward; cows get smaller (for a change)...and are upside down.

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Sick of the British weather - so I cleared the skies over Portland, Dorset and put the Harrier through its paces...stick forward; cows get smaller...and are upside down.
Just goes to show why they never induct cows into flying forces. Silly things have absolutely no concept of up and down. Anybody knows, when you push the stick the cows should get bigger, but here you can clearly see they are confused.
Silly cows...:dizzy:
Some shots from a flight around Compton-Abbas in one of Flight Replicas' L-4 Grasshopers (a real one, with all of the authentic details, not some J-3 in military guise).




Lionheart's Fairchild 24 - a small selection from a flight from Vashon Island to Bowerman. I built a balsa wood model of one of these with my dad when I was 7 or 8, and I remember we didn't like the inline engine cowl so we made our own radial engine/cowl, and I've had an interest in these aircraft ever since.




Spitfire Mirrors

One of the Texas Flying Legends P-51 Mustangs, painted in the markings of Noble E. Peterson, 358th FS, 355th FG, based at Steeple Morden. Peterson was a native of North Dakota, where as his crew chief, Bob Coleman, came from Long Island, hence the two different names. I've always thought the style of the lettering was really cool in the artwork on this one.




John, I'm loving the change of pace in your screen shots! They're great as usual, but different angles from your is nice! Great job! I guess I mean the first and last shot mainly...but either way....I always like your screenies!
Thank you Rick! I'm always up for moving the camera farther and closer to the aircraft to achieve different effects (I'm really glad that is built into the FSX view system, rather than just zoom alone - I recall in FS9, you have to open a menu tab/different screen to adjust how far/close the camera is to the aircraft, where as in FSX you've got the keyboard controls to do that).

Trying some different angles having fun flying the Fokker Dr.1 around Masteron, New Zealand, in the colors of Lothar von Richthofen.




She is indeed:encouragement: I took off from Alderney, pointed the nose north.. set the throttle.. trimmed her just a little then sat and ate my dinner while keeping a watching brief. By the time I hit the south coast, she was at almost 7000ft and doing 49kias:biggrin-new: Heading deviation was between 3 and 4 degs +/-. The most difficult thing was getting it down again!! I absolutely love this model/paint combination:encouragement:
She is indeed I took off from Alderney, pointed the nose north.. set the throttle.. trimmed her just a little then sat and ate my dinner while keeping a watching brief. By the time I hit the south coast, she was at almost 7000ft and doing 49kias Heading deviation was between 3 and 4 degs +/-. The most difficult thing was getting it down again!! I absolutely love this model/paint combination

Excellent. Hope I didn't disturb your flight back from EGJA.

I was the loud beggar making a lot of noise over Portland! (see above) :encouragement: