FSX Screenshots Here!!

Meanwhile, I'll continue to enjoy FSX to its fullest, despite now having to put up with comments such as, "nice screenshot, it could almost pass for P3D".

John, i sure hope you are not referring to my post here : http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforu...do-Released!?p=1096496&viewfull=1#post1096496

Just in case it is (and i do have that awkward feeling..) : notice that my comment reads " Could almost be 3D !" Not P3D.... I ment it could almost pass as a 3D photo because of the excellent depth of view. You know, like the 'stereo pictures' that could be seen thru a 'Viewmaster' http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/Virtual+Reality/View-Master/news.asp?c=63902

I was just trying to compliment you, not 'putting you up' with over the top rave about P3D...

As stated, all of my screenshots are from FSX. If they were from P3D, I would be posting them in that forum. The DX10 cloud shadows is a payware addon for FSX which requires that you already have Steve's DX10 fixer purchased/installed too. https://stevesfsxanalysis.wordpress.com/dx10-cloud-shadows/ They have continued to be improved/updated for free over time.

Meanwhile, I'll continue to enjoy FSX to its fullest, despite now having to put up with comments such as, "nice screenshot, it could almost pass for P3D". In all honesty, I know of all of the features P3D has, but I have yet to see many screenshots that actually look realistic or any more life like than what I already have with FSX.


When it comes to screen shots, FSX with DX10 fixer plus cloud shadows and the proper graphics card settings just rocks, as seen your images. Great shot BTW.
Sometimes you ain't got time to admire the pretty view...

Inverted (love the way the RADAR trace on the right MFD is reversed as a result), 450Kts, -600FPM, pulling negative G, I honestly don't care that everything beyond 4 miles is in focus with Autogen or not!

(I joined this forum as a refugee from another very popular one, that started pulling itself to pieces with FSX versus P3D threads. Please, don't make me homeless again. The Thread Title states it simply: "FSX Screenshots Here!!") :encouragement:
I am terribly sorry for the confusion and miss-guided allegation on my part, Jan - as soon as I read "depth of view", I automatically assumed it was yet another reference to P3D.
Some screenshots flying around in my favorite vintage jet. It seems everyone who has been fortunate enough to fly the F-86 for real, always comes away very favorably by the experience. Among the countless aircraft and warbirds flown by them, the late Bob Hoover regarded the F-86 as his favorite, as does "warbird pilot extraordinaire", Steve Hinton.

A lot of big puffy clouds around Saginaw, MI today (at least from FSX "real world" weather). Still really enjoying the Turbulent Studios' scenery for this airport - perhaps eventually, if/when I tire of it, I'll get around to purchasing their Idaho Falls scenery (there is a further incentive with that one, as there is a well known warbird/P-51 restoration shop based at that airport).




I must admit that if my FsxAccDX10 could suddenly be transformed into a 64 bit application, I would be really happy, but like John, for now with Steve Parsons hard work on Dx10 I'm pretty happy with with my current install.
I bought P3Dv3 last year and was very disappointed with it's performance after a great amount of tweaking as per the gurus, but in all honesty I will probably risk P3Dv4 some time later this year, just for a project for the winter months. ORBX seem close to solving object flow flow v4, so then we can import all our airports.
However the main reason for my post is, let us not descend into internecine war over the many versions out there now of FsX/ESP. We can all love our favorite sim without feeling any need to convert others.
I am terribly sorry for the confusion and miss-guided allegation on my part, Jan - as soon as I read "depth of view", I automatically assumed it was yet another reference to P3D.

Roger that, John, i also didn't realize that '3D' is of course so much associated with 'P3D' that it could easily lead to a misunderstanding. And it would be a sad thing if a picture this beautiful would be subject to it. Glad to know it's all clear now.

Btw, ever since Steve's DX10 shader fix i have been very happy with FSX myself. It's only just recently that i became impressed with P3Dv3 finally. But then P3Dv4 came striking down like lightning out of a virtual blue sky... Because of its performance I was completely knocked off my socks. Actually i'm still looking for them... ;-)

Beating up the loop!!

Well, not quite!! Live weather (AS2016) and the beautiful Classic Wings Sopwith Camel sporting Matt's new metal textures:





Very Cool Aharon! Glad your enjoying the Camel metal mod Dave.


SWS F4 (Iceland Skies with REX Essential live weather)



AH Hawker Typhoon
Another wild selection Matt:encouragement:

I recently put the CLS 146 back on this rig (i5 2500k/GTX760OC) and on a flight from Northolt to Aberdeen, FSX just managed to hang on. Out of interest.. I put the QW 146 back on too but on a similar flight.. I started to lose textures very quickly so it's been retired again. Damn shame as it was always great in FS9.. not so in FSX:(
