FSX Screenshots Here!!

Goodbye Mickey Mouse......

by Len Deighton (the book.... the model is Warbidsim and the repaint is mine :biggrin-new:



BTW: Nice shot Zsolt, for a moment there was a gate in the clouds!
Achtung Spitfeuer!

The early Mk.I version from the AH/JF Dunkirk Spitfire set


The still great RealAir Spitfire with a repaint by JanKees


African Dawn - Off the Zambesi River for Cape Town (Short Solent-JBK).


Past Victoria Falls


Crisp Tropical Morning


Sometimes you just have to enjoy the scenery, the aeroplane just takes you there.
All FSX.
Nuke'em till they glow...

...and shoot 'em in the dark

View attachment 73466

Touring Iran, down low and hot with a Viggie mod emphasizing the 'A' in RA-5C. Armament kit encompasses the usual armament options of the day, and several whiffs.
SRAM, in this case.
NAA Retaliator

Floated to the RAAF in 1962. Would have been interesting.
View attachment 73467
The other Retaliator proposed was a long range interceptor for ADC, equipped with a NAA liquid rocket booster in the tunnel...yeah, I'm at that, too.
I have recently purchased the AH P-47D, and must say I am very pleasantly surprised as to how good of a model this is. After A2A's old Accusim P-47, this would be a tough one to follow up, but the 'bubbletop" has lovely animations, good choice of paints and customization, and realistic systems/ animations. Not to mention, two stunning repaints by Snurdley here in the library that I feel really get this model to it's full potential.

The FDE is generally pretty good (probably as, if not better, than A2A's) except for the ground handling, which many FDE's fail to get quite right. I can't imagine it's easy to replicate the handling of a heavy tailwheel in FSX/P3D, but many developers still struggle to get the feel of how a taildragger behaves. The only ones that come close IMO have been A2A's T6, and perhaps flight replica's Bf109.
But still, this is a really great model and a welcome addition.
