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Every now and then inmy ramblings around the net, I come across something so unique that it has to be shared..
The Bristol B-188 was a project started about the same time as the Douglas X-3. By design, It should have reached mach 2.0, just as the X-3 should have reached. Sadly, in its eight year development cycle, it never flew faster than mach 1.88. Since the English Electric Lightning had established itself as a solid and quite successful mach 2.0 fighter since 1954, it was decided to cancel the Bristol project and in 1964 one of the two prototypes was entered into a museum, while the other was broken up for scrap.. To this day though, it still remains one of the most beautiful aircraft ever designed.. I'd like to bring it to P3DV5, but I dont have the tools or knowledge of how to do that. If someone else would update the model I would be more than happy to make the new FDE for it..
Hi Pam, don't think it was really a failure as such, as information and data obtained were put to good use
during development of Concorde.
That is the whole point of a testbed airframe, to test.
The X-3 Stilletto was same for USA