FSX Screenshots Here!!

Microsoft Flight Simulator X 9_29_2024 1_27_04 PM.pngMicrosoft Flight Simulator X 9_29_2024 1_29_59 PM.png
I added space center BLVD (MUCH NEEDED), been around since flight sim came out. I also added the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, fixed landclasses, and the water treatment plant in the background. Thinking I might need to dial back the cluster of cars or trees though for frames, please someone let me know if that is not that big of a deal. The cars give them a nice touch, but definitely not needed. I had this airport tricked out, but had to consider frames..... and started deleting in mass. A quote I found online convinced me, FSX is a flight simulator, not a scenery designer. 1727672259624.png
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Shalom and greetings all my pals,

As subject heading speaks for itself, I have not created and posted a screenshot flight report for long long long time so I am trying to brush off and shake off extremely rusty skills of creating screenshots

Presenting a screenshot flight report showing recreation of emergency fuel airlift conducted by Buffalo Airways' brand new 737-300F cargo plane

Here is interesting official statement now from Buffalo Airways (real life) and city or town of Norman Wells:

"We thrive on taking on unique challenges and delivering exceptional results. This year, with low water levels preventing barges from hauling fuel, we are faced with the critical task of ensuring Norman Wells receive their essential Jet fuel until it can be trucked in via ice roads.

We partnered with Sandy Macpherson and his team Buffalo Airways, utilizing their 737 for an air barge operation to safely and efficiently transport the fuel.

A big thank you to both our dedicated team and Buffalo Airways for their commitment to completing the first wave of this task efficiently and safely."

Cruising at FL330 back to BFL's flagship headquarters home base at CYZF Yellowknife airport where you can see beautiful sunrise during cruising


You can see the moon on the opposite side


Sun has risen almost completely


You can see the moon disappearing


Seconds before touchdown on CYZF runway 16 in midst of snowstorm


Arriving at BFL cargo apron waiting for emergency fuel supply to be loaded into the plane


Thank you for viewing. Stay tuned for hopefully next screenshot flight report.






Tim "Piglet" Conrad's Raiden/Jack is still a really nice model. And I decided to start a repaint for it. After adding a zillion rivets to Piglet's included paintkit, I went for some different colours. As the pictures and movies from this aircraft are mainly in black and white, I feel myself supported in this choice, as I simply don't know better! There are many colour charts, but they all supply different colours! (as usual)

As I dislike the very dark colours of the default texture, I decided to go for the somewhat brighter "Deep green black" (well at least a sort of ;) ), instead of the very dark "green black" (a sort of dark olive green). Mainly because the Japanese didn't use primer, the paint of their single engine aircraft chipped quite a bit. I have been reading a nice article by Francis P. Weill about this recently. Therefore I intend to do an aircraft with badly chipped paint. So I still have a lot of weathering to do.

Weathering is roughly half the job, so don't expect any real results soon!

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Sometimes, you put a lot of effort in a repaint and in the end you think: "Why?"

After days chipping paint I came to the conclusion I prefer the clean version.......




Compare these pictures with the ones in my previous post...... Don't you agree?
