As well as being a pilot I'm also an avid sailor.
I must say that the Orbx England Southampton docks is incredible. I came up here on a foul tide and took a few shots.
Then, I set sails and went to windward back and out of this strange place. Incredible. FSX works - whatever height, whatever speed, whatever.
I can't begin to describe the scale one sees at water level; Mind blowing and, the lights shining on the water and lens-flaring. Out of this world.
And then beating to windward we see Fawley Oil Refinery on the right.
When I was growing up my dad used to point at the big chimney when we were going down to the boat and say "That's your wind direction," It was like a great big wind-sock hanging in the air over the Solent. Then, I sailed that wind direction. Now, I fly that wind direction. Life is sweet.
Clear Skies and Fair Winds to all.
p.s: Boat is Deltasim X55, scenery by Orbx Regions; England. Weather by ActiveSky.