Name of the gauge: Hurricane_1.gau
Internal name: none
Organization: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 1.0.5020
Copyright: © 1983-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Size at 1/1 ratio; 62 width, 65 height at low resolution, 98 width, 102 height at high resolution.
View attachment 21383
Visual: 4 bitmaps for both resolutions, each complete backgrounds. Backplate has the following inscriptions;
PORT (9 O'clock);
CENTER (12 O'clock);
STBO (3 O'clock);
RESERVE (6 O'clock, non-operable). Underneath, we can read
Audio: none
Functioning: The switch button is on the
CENTER position and, if moved before start-up, will return automatically on that position upon start. After each mouse click anywhere over the gauge, the button goes to the next position in a loop following this sequence; CENTER > STBO > PORT > CENTER. You can't click to go backward.
Effect: On initial
CENTER position, all tanks (with the exception of wing tips tanks) are emptying according to the "no gauge" pattern already described in previous posts.
STBO position, auxiliary right tank is emptied. Once empty, main right tank is emptied. Once empty, engines cut-off and no other tank is solicited.
PORT position, auxiliary left tank is emptied. Once empty, main left tank is emptied. Once empty, engines cut-off and no other tank is solicited.
On subsequent passage to
CENTER position, center #1 tank is emptied. Once empty, engines cut-off and no other tank is solicited.
If you want to "tap" on auxiliary-main wing tanks again, you must cut-off the engines, either by selecting an empty tank or by cutting the engines, en restart them by pressing the
E key.
I was a bit surprised to see the
CENTER position only tapping the center #1 tank. Again, you have to remember that, if you don't click on it, it will empty the tanks in the "no gauge" order and start with the center #3 or #2, whichever contains fuel, and wings tanks despite pointing initially to the
CENTER position. If center tank #1 is empty, you can still tap on center #2 and #3 by restarting the engines.
I wonder what would happen if I placed the FW190A fuel switch
and this one on the same panel...