Fw 190V-18/U-1 shakes at idle

I must admit, at high speeds, the plane shakes on rudder axis, but slowly.

The faster it goes... the larger the shake effect. I don't know if it is the moment of inertia factors.
I must admit, at high speeds, the plane shakes on rudder axis, but slowly.

The faster it goes... the larger the shake effect. I don't know if it is the moment of inertia factors.

What speed and at what altitudes?

I have not experienced this at any altitude all the way up to FL350 and all the way down as long as you are not over-speeding. (But still did not get any shaking there).

EDIT: Maybe I am misunderstanding your point. I just took her up and down in over-speed conditions and still received no rudder shake. Smooth as silk throughout.

In Building storms wx, I get moved around a little, normal for a light aircraft in heavy wx but see nothing out of the ordinary.

The MOIs are calculated by the Airwrench program and should be accurate based on my inputs.
Can you expound on what you are seeing?

Are you running a force feedback joystick?
Scratch the joystick theory... It was shaking slowly at 290-300 knots and the faster the plane went, the shaking was larger.
I don't know about altitude though... it was kind of low level.

And for joystick... I am using a Logitech X3D (Extreme 3D Pro).
Oh, by the way, Milton. What air file are you using?

Well, that was a revealing question. I was about to say, "The same as you should be using."

Then, thinking, "Why does he ask this question ...", I checked the zip I uploaded and it did NOT have an .air file in it! Geezy Peezy Shupe!

Not sure how I did that SNAFU but attached is the corrected zip with both the aircraft.cfg and the .air file included.

My apologies to you and anyone who downloaded the original from my post above (deleted the original zip file).

This FM is much improved over what you are using as it is totally different air file and flight dynamics.

Anyone who downloaded my original above, please replace it with this one.