With close to a dozen flyable Curtiss Jenny's and Canucks, original and reproduction, there are a number of airports where they are based at today that we could definitely use some new scenery for in MSFS, including:
- CA34 Ala Doble Airport, in California (private airfield for Walter Bowe's collection)
- C77 Poplar Grove Airport, in Illinois (home to the Poplar Grove Vintage Wings and Wheels Museum)
- 42VA Virginia Beach Airport, in Virginia (home to the Military Aviation Museum)
- KGDB Granite Falls Airport, in Minnesota (home to Fagen Fighters WWII Museum)
- 8N1 Grimes Airport in Bethel, Pennsylvania (home to the Golden Age Air Museum)
- 85TE Old Kingsbury Aerodrome in Texas (home to the Pioneer Flight Museum)
- NY94 Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome in New York (home to the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum)
- KRKD Knox County Regional Airport in Maine (home to the Owls Head Transportation Museum)
There are some freeware addons already available for the following airports:
- 4S2 Ken Jernstedt Airfield, in Oregon (home to the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum)
- KBWG Bowling Green Regional Airport, in Kentucky (home to Friends of Jenny)
- KPAE Paine Field-Snohomish County Airport, in Washington (home to the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum, to reopen next year)