GAS Stearman pack for Fs9 and FsX ready

I've sent piglet a message begging him for his permission and throwing myself at the mercy of Golden Age. Now we sit back, drink mass quantities of adult beverages, and fly intoxicated.
Funny thing, all those years growning up in a multigeneration aviation family (Me being the 4th), I was always told me never to get into an airplane with someone:ernae: whose been drinking. I hope that doesnt go for Flight simming- Thats half the fun!!!

And Lastly. Is there any chance that a 300 Lyc. and 450 version without the cowling and wheel pants be in the works? I may be wierd, but I really love the way the stearman's look with that big old engine sticking out there. Just something about somebody taking an old duster stearman and putting the front seat back in it and flying it for fun once again.
Thank you for all your hard work, and I cant wait to see what you guys do next.

Actually there is a terrific freeware Stearman crop duster available here as a download in the SOH file library search for It's one of the reasons we did not consider doing the crop duster as an initial part of the package. It offers 4 versions a 1955 conversion and a 1965 conversion both have the option of flying with sprayer equipment on or off. I'm considering the options of converting our 450 and 300 as an expansion pack, but not right away. It certainly would be fun to see how it would look in fsx with bump mapping and dynamic shine.
I have been flying all the models in the GAS Stearman package this weekend and they really are excellent.
They have a certain quality about them that just really gives you the feeling of "being there".
Congratulations and thanks to Spad54 and all the team at GAS.
You boys have another winner.:ernae::ernae:
Paul, I wish you folks had offered a duo 2-pack special for both sims in one package. Ergo, I just have to opt for the FSX version, because so much realism is to be had there.

But it sure would be good to have her in FS9 too.

Sounds are very tame compared to real life ....... I mean the real Stearman is LOUD ... even with a David Clark headset or a helmet. :icon_lol:

So apart from the elevator effectiveness, I'd really like to crank up the grunt on the 220 hp sound :jump:


Mike Hambley is working on a patch for the 220 sounds. Once I test it I'll place it here as a download for you all to test. We're in the thinking stage of an expansion pack to include "Duster" If you boost the elevator effectiveness to 1.5 from 1.35 and work the trim, I think you may like that. Give it a try and let us know

As many of you might know, I sent piglet Conrad a PM awhile back asking his permission to use his UPF-7 Air File for an update on the stearman package. I still have not heard from him. If anyone has his email address, I'd really appreciate some help getting a hold of him.
Well, I finally purchased this morning.
Looks great, sounds great, flies great, that is until I try to do a loop.
Wow, not much elevator there.
Was wondering if Pete ever came up with some CFG changes for the 220?

Any news on an update from sctybdy?
Sorry Guys ... been a bit busy

I'm still tweaking but here's what I've done and it's getting closer .....

elevator_effectiveness =2.00 //1.50 //1.0
elevator_trim_effectiveness =2.00 //1.500 //1.325

May need to increase these a bit more.

I'm fiddling with the tailwheel setting to get the aircraft to pivot when you use differential brakes .... not having much joy there.

Sorry Guys ... been a bit busy

I'm still tweaking but here's what I've done and it's getting closer .....

elevator_effectiveness =2.00 //1.50 //1.0
elevator_trim_effectiveness =2.00 //1.500 //1.325

May need to increase these a bit more.

I'm fiddling with the tailwheel setting to get the aircraft to pivot when you use differential brakes .... not having much joy there.

Is that the way you type it in Pete?

elevator_effectiveness =2.00 //1.50 //1.0
elevator_trim_effectiveness =2.00 //1.500 //1.325

Right now I think I have it at 2.00 or 2.50 can't remember.
But there are no other numbers after that and no slashes.
This is how I keep track of previous settings by //

All the numbers after the slashes are dissabled

These are the settings at present .... still to be revised.

elevator_effectiveness =2.00
elevator_trim_effectiveness =2.00

FSEdit only allows those to go up to 2.00 - I'm not sure if the Sim will even recognise numbers above that.

(Yes I know what it can do to an air file - that's why I back up that file every time I use FSEdit.)
I 've been working on the Stearman N2S for tweaking my settings.

I didn't realise until last night that the [flight_tuning] in the Stearman PT-17 had already been increased and they were different from the N2S.

These are close .....

elevator_effectiveness =2.50
elevator_trim_effectiveness =3.00

I was hoping to see some nostalgic screenshot settings and maybe even see some repaints of the Stearman Army Air Corp trainer by now. Could ya'll make a few? Nice looking Stearman from what I've seen so far in older screenshots. I plan on getting this Stearman but will have to wait for money to appear out of thin air.

If you decide to go on with the crop duster model, will it be as the (single seat cockpit configuration)? If so, I will also purchase your stearman package when it's ready :applause:
These Stearmans have added much to our Sim hangers...They are "HIGH FIDELITY in all the" looksee "angles. In flight and general handling,they are honest. The "INTEGRITY" of the overall models have not been comprimisd...Those of us who may have been fortunate to experience these plane in life do have definite input.,and its fascinating to read them here...Yet who among us has flown a new zero time ,off the line Stearman?..I do know that rigging,refurbishing,restoration, and salvaging these venerable planes lend themselves to much modifications....Here "SPAD54",and his great ground crew has rolled out some magnificent examples of "The Stearman" different modles...each a different plane,on the groundas well as in the air.All brand New!..Show quality stuff!

Here In our Sim world one can get a good feeling for these planes...They do bring out the "Walter Mitty" in most of us...great entertainment....The illusion of smelling hot oil and gas...the fragrances from hot summer fields below...Yes Put on your helmet,wear your scarf..its real fun!...If this inspires some desk top pilot to go find a Stearman some where and to get up in it,it will have done a remarkable thing.

I like these models,I think its a result of hard work,research,review,and most important of all,seeking a multitude of opinions.Which continue here...In essence we all have become test pilots...what can be more fun than that!..

Again thanx to GAS,Spad54,and his crew...the joy of these models,and flying them is priceless...I still maintain my FS9.And these models were made for it.....Thanx for the chance to Bloviate with you!....Vin!