GAS Super Stearman updates


There is an update posted to 1/25/25 which was done without consultation or prior approval from GAS, not that it's a requirement, but a common courtesy would be to reach out to the us. This was not done. If it is used and the results are unsatisfactory or your aircraft no longer functions properly, GAS will not provide technical support if this mod is used. Also note that the flight dynamics and engine behaviors have been tested and validated by several certified pilots on this aircraft. I would certainly like to know this add-on "developers" bonafides to have the audacity to assume he/she knows better.
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There is an update posted to 1/25/25 which was done without consultation or prior approval from GAS, not that it's a requirement, but a common courtesy would be to reach out to the us. This was not done. If it is used and the results are unsatisfactory or your aircraft no longer functions properly, GAS will not provide technical support if this mod is used. Also note that the flight dynamics and engine behaviors have been tested and validated by several certified pilots on this aircraft. I would certainly like to know this add-on "developers" bonafides to have the audacity to assume he/she knows better.
I have been in conversation with the individual who created the mod and by his own admission had no firsthand experience in the Stearman or the R-985 P&W. We normally encourage users to make their model their own which in this case he did. What we have issue with mod is that the user misrepresented his ability to evaluate the model and presented the mod as one who could. Rest assured this aircraft simulation has been vetted by real life super Stearman pilots and the FDE coded by one of the best developers.
Hello Paul,

Thank you for your initiative because since then I have hesitated several times to respond directly to this "developer" on As I am of Mediterranean origin, I refrained from doing so at the time.
This person did not only this mod on the Super Stearman but he also made a mod on the Stearman Model 75 on which I am always working ...

What these modders don’t realize is that FSX, P3D and now MSFS are just "improved games" and they can’t do what a professional simulator does. These games are limited and even if the flight models have improved, they can only simulate between 50 ~ 60% of reality.
If to make a good plane, it was enough to enter in an Excel table all the real characteristics of the plane and generate the files for the simulator, it would be long time that this would exist. Unfortunately flight equations are approximations that do not take all the existing parameters and therefore they are perfectible, even the SDK is not perfectly documented.

To illustrate my comments, I would use the example of the use of turbocharger instead of supercharger in our version of the Super Stearman. This was not done for convenience or lack of knowledge but simply because after exchanging with other developers on and the Microsoft Q&A forum it is known that the supercharger function implemented in MSFS is not perfect and has many bugs.
Therefore it was decided to make this change to avoid possible bugs.
It seems more and more that besides developing addons, we must now justify our technical choices not to lend ourselves to criticism from people who are not fully aware of the latest developments of Microsoft.

Therefore, nothing beats the opinion of a real pilot having a real experience of the aircraft that through these tests allows us to correct certain parameters to adapt the whole. Sometimes these adaptations are made by falsifying the reality of certain data to compensate for the shortcomings of these mathematical models.
These addons on the Stearman were tested and validated by a team of more than 8 people, 5 of which were pilots and 2 of the certified pilots on Stearman, one of them is still trainer on this plane.

As a developer of these addons, since I am not a pilot I rely on the experience and the accounts of these people to do the best possible. Nobody is perfect and there’s always room for improvement but with 18 years of experience in the Microsoft simulator world and 38 years as a research and development engineer in the military, I think I have some technical knowledge ;)

No one can prohibit others from modifying the creations that are published (but remain in the legal form) but in this case we have to present them as personal modifications to adapt the addon to its ways of using the simulator and not suggest that the original developers have backlogged their work.
These two Steearman addons took almost 18 months of work and monopolized more than 10 people, the least thing is to respect this work even if the comments are a plus in some cases.
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