A few words to describe the add-on, it is a complete development since the
Super Stearman differs from the PT-xx in several points .
What are they?
- a different engine Pratt & Whitney Wasp-Junior of 450 horsepower with booster pump,
- fully Wwise sounds that were subcontracted to the company SimAcoustics which made these recordings on a real Stearman (D-EMDV in Germany),
- advanced engine management to have in your hands something other than a basic aircraft, including the management of wear and breakdowns that can occur to the engine,
- a new VC much more complete equipped with a GPS,
- new animations to increase immersion in the use of this plane,
- and a graphical interface for managing the addon completely new to make pre-flight visits.
Wasp-Junior engine,
This engine has been fully modeled, and its specific characteristics taken into account in this add-on. Particular care has been taken to respect the power curves and start modes of this capricious but tried engine.
The flight model was approved by two recognized pilots: BeeGee and Branstormer
I can assure you that the 450 hp are there at the take-off and with the sounds of SimAcoustics ... it’s a thrill!
Advanced engine management
The engine modeling under MSFS is quite basic and although it incorporates fault management, this one is nevertheless very basic.
We decided to go further in this modeling by managing several points left out by Asobo/Microsoft:
- radial motors require very special care due to their design which has been taken into account,
- engine oil is now considered as fuel, that is a mass that can vary during your flight and has its own characteristics (consumable, temperature, efficiency, possible leaks),
- cylinder head temperatures (influence on engine life),
- the phenomena of detonation (influence on the performance and life of the engine).
An unused radial engine has oil from its cooling system accumulating in the lower cylinders during extended shut-downs and special procedures are planned to mitigate this.
These procedures are of two types:
a) pullthrough which consists in manipulating the propeller so that it drives the engine and the oil pump, which has the effect of circulating the oil and emptying any accumulations of this liquid at the level of the cylinders.
If these instructions are not followed, the engine may start but the accumulated oil can cause harmful overpressures in the cylinders and trigger breakdowns.
The number of brewing to be realized is calculated according to certain parameters and via the "tooltips", precise indications are provided to the user.
b) priming, to be able to start as a function of the outside temperature and that of the engine, a certain number of pulses on the PRIMER are required to ensure that the engine has the correct amount of fuel in the fuel system. Again, depending on certain parameters the number of pulses needed is calculated and displayed via tooltips.
The engine oil tank is now considered as a full-fledged tank that can be filled or supplemented/upgraded. The engine oil will be consumed during flight and its mass will vary influencing the behaviour and distribution of the masses.
This substance has a very important characteristic: ts temperature.
Below a certain value which is usually
40°C, the oil cannot work properly to lubricate the engine so if the user does not respect the times of warm-up and uses the engine power too early, it degrades performance (needle of the manifold which is agitated with strong tremors).
This also affects the engine temperature (which increases more rapidly when several effects are combined) and can cause irreversible damage, thus engine failures.
To be able to manage the oil and its temperature, different elements are modelled.
This lever allows to short-circuit the oil circuit that goes through the radiator and thus allow a much faster temperature rise of the oil.
The user should monitor this lever as it can lead to overheating and failure if used for a long period in the ON position.
pump lever overfeeding
In the critical phases of use of this aircraft (take-offs, acrobatics, landings) it is necessary to put on the electric pump to compensate for a failure of the mechanical pump.
This pump increases fuel flow during these critical phases.
This fuel supplement (richer mixture) also allows to "cool" the cylinder heads by way of consequence.
Attention, it also affects fuel consumption!
The engine oil helps to cool the engine and its temperature constantly changes. The user must monitor this temperature and regulate it via the engine controls or the two previous levers.
If the oil temperature is around or
above 260°C, it quickly causes "fatal" effects:
- the temperature of the cylinder heads (CHT) will increase, which increases the wear of the engine (parameter also modelled),
- the increase in oil temperature also prematurely increases this wear,
- oil leaks may occur due to excessive oil pressure.
All these events are managed by local variables and different thresholds that can influence two other modelled parameters such as wear and engine condition. This allows to trigger outages.
The detonation phenomenon is also modelled (very modestly) if the motor is used in non-appropriate ranges:
- too much power for too long,
- use of an inadequate air/mixture value,
This phenomenon is modelled through additional variables as in the case of oil.
To increase immersion, it is possible using our new interface accessible via the toolbar,in order to:
- read the different checklists,
- to perform a complete pre-flight visit from the cockpit view (validation of moving surfaces, oil and fuel supplements),
- to have a status tab and the real-time vision (period of 10s) of certain variables to know the degree of wear of the engine and read some essential parameters.
The pre-flight visit always starts from the cockpit in internal view[ and by clicking on a schematic view of the aircraft switches to predefined points in advance allowing you to interact with the flight controls or trigger animations (oil or fuel supplements).
Non-contractual image:
Last point, this advanced engine management is not unlockable: it is basic (no Eazy mode exist) so the use of this aircraft must be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions otherwise you risk to wear your engine, cause engine failure or destruction.
The possibility of being able to find his plane in the state it was left on the next flight is allowed via a new function enabled by the SDK: persistent data. To be eligible, the aircraft must be able to complete its flight correctly, land without any problems and the flight must be stopped in accordance with the rules of the art.
ATTENTION, you must exit the flight by the interface and not by clicking on the X icon in the upper right-hand corner because in this case, the MSFS function cannot be performed correctly.
In case of irreparable failure, the user will have to finish his current flight, return to the interface with the world map to be able to restore some parameters to their default value.
These are the main features of this new Stearman, which allow me to say that it is a new supplement and not a product updated.
PS: Some deliveries that you could see in the captures that were presented could not be included in the add-on because the owners asked for incompatible amounts with the sale price of this add-on (Red Bull, D-EMDV). However, it is planned to distribute these textures as freeware after the release of this add-on.