Gauges you always add...

Desert Rat

Library Staff
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okay guys, there are some gauges I always add to my planes I always fly, I'll show you mine if you show me yours...(mention if they are free or pay please)

firstly, effect controllers, I find the gauges from the now freeware IRIS FS9 kites cover most things, tip vortex, wing root vapour, engine smoke, reheat/AB, etc.

next, A2A 3D light gauge if they are tied to gear, wingfold, etc.

A CD/Mp3 player for those long flights, my choice varies depending on the vintage of the plane, there are several versions out there. Freeware/payware

Hobbes gauges, from one of the big sites, would welcome other suggestions too. Freeware

Icing gauge, simulates icing, not the cake type, from the big sites. Freeware, it does work to an extent, better than without anyway.

Radar gauge, from by Eric Marciano where appropriate. Payware

Real engine, now, this was from these forums, but I've lost the thread, simulates A2A accusim type engine failures, etc. Not as advanced maybe, don't know, ain't tried Accusim. If anyone knows were I found it, please link. Also this is a gauge that requires plane specific data, it comes set up for the default Baron, I would like to add it to other planes, but need to spend time researching engine perams. Freeware.

Now over to you guys, hoping there's some good stuff I've missed.

I like the RXP GNS unlim. 430/530 and Sandel 3308.

GNS is in the most panel´s of my GA´s.




The first gauge I add or swap into my panels is the FS9 GPS500 system. I have the navigational skills of a blind cow, so without the most advanced GPS system on my panel, I could not find my plane, let alone the airport I want to land at 150 miles away.

Then I add a CD player. Got to have tunes on those longer flights.

The Shockwave 3D lights get added to my planes eventually.

There is a gauge that comes with some of Brian Gladden's packages that tells you fuel flow, gallons used, gallons remaining, Distance Until Empty, Air speed and ground speed. The one file has gauges for piston, jet, turboprop. Very handy little gauge set. RKG_fuelstat.gau is the name of the gauge file.

My list is pretty much like Obio's except I don't have the Shockwave lights and I'll use either of the default GPS's.
For my GA flying its the Garmin 430 WAAS from Reality Xp. ISG FMS and Pushback guage (if not already present) for the tubeliners.
I fly mostly vintage aircraft in GW3. First thing I do is remove the GPS and modern radio equipment.

Some of the gauges I add, depending on the aircraft, are:

Winddrift by Glenn Copeland.

BEMP, fuel flow gauges, radio equipment, squeaky brakes from Manfred Jahn and team's Lockheed Constellations.

Radar altimeter from MAAM B25.

Default DC3 radio compass with modified cab file by Ranger 33309.

Default DC3 radio.

Default DC3 airspeed indicators modified to read in MPH, Knots, TAS.

RCBco for carrier operations.

Floatplane sounds, thanks to OBIO.

One of Bill Lyon's radios for music.
Any tube with wing-hung hair dryers gets the reverse spray by Ed Cox:

Older planes with no autopilot get modified with the Garmin 500 and a do-all com-nav popup:

Background_color=128,128,128 //Only black shows up invisible, so this eliminates the need for a background bitmap.
size_mm= 359,313
window_size=0.45 //Adjust this number to fit your needs.
position= 0 
gauge00=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio AP, 1, 2, 176
gauge01=bendix_king_radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 1, 180, 2, 176
gauge02=bendix_king_radio!Bendix-King Radio Nav-Comm 2, 180, 67, 176
gauge03=bendix_king_radio!Bendix-King Radio Xpndr, 180, 133, 176
gauge04=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME, 180, 187, 176
gauge05=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio ADF, 180, 232, 176
gauge06=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio Audio, 180, 278, 176
gauge07=Extra-300!Pitch-Trim, 126, 104, 35
gauge08=Lear_45!Nav GPS Switch, 133, 59, 20
gauge09=Cessna208!Horizontal-Indicator, 1, 80, 113
gauge10=Mooney_Bravo!OMI Lights, 38, 56, 50

The aircraft.cfg also gets the needed mods to make everything work.

One I use for all my steel tubes is the auto-reverse // auto-spoilers
Very useful ...
It's only for twins jets but can be easy transformed for 4 engines jets.

FS2004 Gauge--Airspeed Reduction Monitor
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 112,382 Date: 03-14-2006 Downloads: 1,197
FS2004 Gauge--Airspeed Reduction Monitor (ARM). This small, but fully animated gauge arms the spoilers and reverse thrusters so both deploy upon landing. The gauge does not extend spoilers or activate reverse thrusters until the nose wheel is safely on the runway. This overcomes the pitch-up tendency in some jets caused when the spoilers deploy as soon as the main gear touches down. As IAS decreases to preset limits, r/thrusters auto-deactivate followed later by spoiler retraction. By Glenn Copeland.[/SIZE]
Hmmm....makes me jealous seeing all these RXP users. I bought the RXP 430 and 530 a couple years ago...and they NEVER worked right. Installation after uninstallation....ctd's, lack of support, etc....decided to give up on them. But they are nice to have since they function very much like the real ones
If the plane doesn't have an autopilot and I plan on flying it more than 30 miles at a time my preferred autopilot is from our own Hinch's site at; under 'Autopilot for light aircraft' (although that Palm Autopilot in the same section has some promise as well).
Also, if the plane doesn't have an EGT gauge and if it's carbureted I have to get one; I don't care if its a default EGT or not. otherwise I go nuts.
Finally, I definitely need a GPS on my plane, and OBIO said it best as to why. Mind you it has to have a moving map on it, can't use one of those first generation jobbies (KLN90 anyone?), so either the default Garmins or the GNS430 from one of my Abacus planes will do for navigation.

Anything I fly especially if it's an older classic spends a bit of time in the panel shop before being scheduled for ops.

The first thing added is the default Garmin 500 ( and icon ) as a popup window, but I also add in the window entry a toggle switch ( APOLLO_MX20!MX20_Toggle ) so all I need do is click on the GPS to close it.

The avionics get upgraded to the basic Bendix King stack, either in the panel or as a pop up window.

If I need to replace gauges on the older panels I like the ones in Trev Morson's DC-3 panel.

Strobes are added to the light section.

The Direction gyro gets replaced with the C1xx_dg!directional_gyro by Jim Robinson.

Other mods usually include flap gauge, trim indicator, a clock etc.

Try Don Kuhn's freeware (avsim) Garmin 530 and 430 units. They work well and look better than the defaults IMHO.
I throw in Reality XP Flight Line "T" and "N" gauges as well as (Depending on the airframe) the RXP Sandel TAWS/TCAD or for kerosene burners with glass or semi glass, The Reality XP Jetline (2 and 4) gauge sets. For the birds that have it, the RXP Weather radar

Even my (super) cubs have some kind of autopilot. Not outrageous either, since i have seen a full autopilot setup in a Husky before (I used to work at an airframe, powerplant and avionics shop)
Hello Pete, What should the APOLLO toggle switch entry look like?

This is my GPS window ....

[Window03] // w/toggle

gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0
gauge01=APOLLO_MX20!MX20_Toggle, 35,35,335,230

Can't remember where I got the Apollo entry from originally though.

I like to fly a lot with the minipanel so I downloaded one that someone, and I can't recall who, posted (or sent to me). Anyhow I've been modifying it taking out some stuff I don't use and putting in some that I do, like the sandal 3400. I also have the rxp 530 but can't get it to work. It doesn't like win7 at all. So I installed ezgps from abacus instead. Nice and simple gauge but it only shows roads in the US so I'd rather use the 530. If anyone has any ideas how I can get it to work in the minipanel I'd appreciate it.
Some interesting things to try out. Thanks chaps.

I like the little palm AP gauge, will have to fit it to my little fleet, I did download it eons ago, but forgot about it.

I also use Rob Barendregts' gauges as much as possible, especially on unruly helo's. And sometimes fit gun and/or rocket effect.

I also used to have a wind direction gauge I used to use in CFS2, long lost, anyone any suggestions for a replacement?

I also used to have a wind direction gauge I used to use in CFS2, long lost, anyone any suggestions for a replacement?

I have been using the wind gauge from the Merlin aircraft by Eugene Heyart. Simviation has the downloads for several versions in the concept aircraft catagory (sorry, I couldn't get the link to work).

I like the Merlin gauge because it gives a graphic and digital readout that is quick and easy to read. The only downside is that when installed in a rectangular panel, the digital numbers can get stretched out a bit.

I consider it a "must have" especially in off-airport operations.

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