Gaza Live--weird

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Unusual to sit and watch a war, live. Looked at it last night (it was daylight there). Random explosions and machine gun fire; even heard a rooster for a while. Lots of haze and smoke, and what sounded like a Cessna flying around had to be an unmanned drone. Saw traffic (they honk horns constantly) and walking pedestrians, despite several close-sounding explosions.

Right now the live streaming shots are gone and there is a newscast in progress.
Somebody Really Should Tell those Folks, you pull the Bull's tail enough Times, you're bound to get Horned . . :ernae:
Somebody Really Should Tell those Folks, you pull the Bull's tail enough Times, you're bound to get Horned . . :ernae:

What's that supposed to mean?

Innocent Women and Children are being killed !.... Hardly reason for corny one liners
In the interest of keeping this none political old boy, GAZA was a part of Israel. It was given to the Palastineians as part of Peace Agreement in 1997. The area HAD a thriving Hydroponic Strawberry growing industry, allowing them to be self supporting. Hamas used the strawberry sheds for all-weather rocket launching sites, in an attempt to Kill JEWS.

This garbage has gone on since, retaliatory strikes are frowned upon,by the world, they normally kill a few, then Hamas re-arms. And the rockets come again.

It would appear that this time, they've said "that's it"

Now IRAN has gotten involved, giving Hamas Longer Range Rockets so they can kill more JEWS

The views you see are tear-jerkers, they're meant to be . . .
Don't you think that Jewish children are killed by those Rockets

But it was never seen :kilroy:
What's that supposed to mean?

Innocent Women and Children are being killed !.... Hardly reason for corny one liners

And that is tragic, agreed. But when in a conflict has there never been collateral damage? Hell, we firebombed Dresden for the hell of it in WWII. Not saying I am callous to civilian loss of life, but if anything the Israeli's should be commended for their Hamas-to-Civilian kill ratios in comparison to wars-past where the civilian populace took far greater losses than the actual fighting forces. No matter how precise we can become, innocent people will die in war. Part of the whole reason war is so terrible. Israel gets my support.

I don't really get why the news portrays Hamas as the poor-oppressed people that are victims. If Canada rocketed Buffalo for months on end with 3000+ rockets, I'd expect the US to go after the ones doing it too. If someone sucker punched you in the face not once but many times, you'd probably not only return the punch, but stomp them into the ground right? Proportionate responses have no place in conflict, because the whole idea is to defeat your enemy, not play around with him so that he may return and mess with you again.

That's my two cents...
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem at all with Hamas getting the sh*t kicked out of them... I just thought it rather off hand to make it sound as though that is totally acceptable for innocent people to be killed.

How many Palestinians who are Hamas thugs actually make up the number of people killed?...Not many I wager.

We in the UK suffered 50 + years of 'oppressed' Irish Terrorists killing, bombing and maiming innocent people, but did we go and airstrike large sections of Belfast and Londonderry?...No.
(perhaps we should have?)
This thread has nothing to do with OFF. Just my opinion but it should not have been started and should not be continued here. There are places for such discussions and they are elsewhere, yes?
Now IRAN has gotten involved, giving Hamas Longer Range Rockets so they can kill more JEWS

Swap the word IRAN for USA
Swap the word Hamas for IRA
Swap the word JEWS for BRITS

And you have an accurate representation of the Irish Troubles from 1960 - 1988 :ernae:
I honestly don't think, I'm being political, merely factual

When a palestinian child is old enough to turn on a TV he learns that those Nasty Jews make their matzohs, out of children's bones and blood

Later on, when the lad attends the medrasa ( school ) the hook nosed Jew is pictured in the text books

Those that have lost their lives by walking into a crowded Pizzaria in Isreal, and denonating their suicide vests are venorated

Unemployment in GAZA is around 45%

Hamas has open soup kitchens, and breadlines

Hamas has Rocket Launchers in apartment buildings. How do you get rid of them without killing folks ???
this thread needs to be closed...
cause this is a hot topic for some....

and we all get along here more or less there
is no need to bring that stuff in here.

If we do keep the thread going it could get ugly, I just erased one post I wanted to send to counter another already posted..

we dont need a war here too.
Close if you want, but I think everyone's been rather civil compared to some of the places I frequent. A Simple "OT" on the thread subject line should suffice I'd say. It may be political, but getting out of control isnt a prerequisite of the subject, ya know?

I hate to tell stories but this one I will hold true to my heart until the day I die, on why I will never trust the media:

As far as the media portrayal goes, I don't trust anything I see anymore. Here's the reason, and a personal experience of mine with CNN. In November/December 2004 my platoon was involved with Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, Iraq. The whole civilian populace part of the city, which was an insurgent stronghold, for the most part was evacuated and anyone that remained were there to fight. Anyways, we were clearing through houses, and came upon a large cache of mortars, mines, arty shells, you name it. Instead of playing with them and trying to move it, the answer was to blow it in place (due to the threat of boobytraps and what not). So we cleared the whole block out, all the surrounding buildings were cleared and no civilians were found nearby (some families refused to leave the city, so you'd find them every now and again). As the engineers are getting ready to torch this cache, a camera crew shows up and starts filming the house. The explosion goes up, house obliterated, no apparent human loss of life anywhere. We move on, and continue on with our sweep. A few days later, we had gotten a rotation back to the Camp Fallujah chow hall for dinner and saw a CNN news report on the siege in Fallujah. The report is specifically about how US Marines blew up a childrens hospital and killed a bunch of kids, with the huge explosion from our cache being shown as if that is what is being done and images of my platoon being shown, of which of course we all looked totally callous because it was just munitions being exploded. It went on to bad-mouth and do the same tear-jerking crap you see in the reports from Gaza. I don't know why, but the media seems to side with the enemy these days. I guess being supportive and reporting the facts doesn't cause the drama and protests they like to see.

So just take what you see with a large grain of salt please.
Lemme get a couple in before the thread is locked:

Having spent more time than I care to remember wearing tan camouflage in those parts of the world I'd like to leave you with two things:

1) An IDF buddy of mine once told me about the Palestinans. He said, "So long as they hate us more than they love their children, we'll continue to have problems."

2) I saw a t-shirt in the market in old Jerusalem in '92. On it was an American Indian chief in his war bonnet and Yitzhak Rabin (former Israeli Prime Minister). The chief had his hand on Rabin's shoulder and was telling him, "Let me tell you about trading land for peace..."
Not to worry . . I got SOME audio, no video

It would buffer ... reach 100%... Then start all over

That was on 1-12

You ain't the only one
I assumed it might get political..... but I personally was struck by the amount of action I saw in the few minutes I watched, when here in the US we get the ten second news blurb of "fighting rages in Gaza"(followed by twenty minutes of two "experts" debating the need or reasons for it) and yet many have no comprehension of what real war zone tension feels like. Conversely I have to say that it probably feels the same in Isreal when the rockets fly over. Innocence is the first causality of war.
Just look at this....

Something tells me the child in this picture didnt deserve it. No matter where it is....War is a distgusting and heartbreaking event. Having children of my own close to the age of this child I am nearly moved to tears. I am not choosing a side...just saying that weapons dont discriminate. I hope it ends soon....for the sake of everyone in the region.

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