Gaza Live--weird

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I certainlly hope it's not like the same child who was killed by Israeli artillary fire in 3 different areas of Lebanon, that's called getting maximum mileage from a corpse. AP got caught with it's Knickers Down, they claim they fired the photojournalists involved.

But my Favorite, was the Palastinian Dead Guy who came to life, got off the ground, and ran away from the camera crew

Those guys from Hamas are real sweethearts, they remove half the payload of the rocket, replacing it with ball bearings.
Somehow that's never featured in their video's
I am sure innocents are being hurt on both sides. Whether it be the same hurt child shown once or three times....Does it matter? That child has no idea what is going does know one thing...suffering. Its mindless on both sides of the wall. I cant offer any solutions to these problems, but my heart still breaks to see these kinds of images of any child. They are truely innocent and can choose no side....

One hurt child of any nationality is one too many.

Thats enough for me on this topic.......:sleep:
The pitiful part of it is, it never seems to end. As long as armed strife continues to exist, injured innocents will continue to exist.
Politics aside, kids brought up in any violent environment end up doing the same as they get older. If the adult role models do it, it must be right, right ? It's self perpetuating. It breeds hate. And so it goes on. It is tragic and obscene. Organised religion, of all persuasions, with its own agendas only adds gasoline to the fire. National governments there to allegedly protect the people only protect themselves and their own interests. It's a mad world.
We are all friends here!...Maybe best to just leave it at that :ernae:
Could you please get the forum rules back on the sticky. Especially the one that says that the purpose of this forum is to discuss WWI and the OFF simulation, not current events or someone's ill informed opinions on the world. Surely there are other forums where political pontification is encouraged? This spiral is as predictable as groundhog day.
I dont know if you have noticed but as the time goes by, in wars, even more civillians are killed instead of soldiers. In WWI there were not so many civillians killed. In WWII though, the percentage went up. As the years advanced, the percentage of civillian casualties was going up even more. And now we got this "war" where like 90% of the casualties are unarmed people (Jews, Muslims I dont really care. They are all people..all the kids are on the same side. ).
And Widowmaker is right. Britain never invaded Ireland because of IRA. Why must Israel do this then? Because of the different religion? Just let it go. But when they DO stop the bombings, Hamas is going to get back on business...but not compare rockets atop of a block of flats, to F-16s, Tanks, Miniguns, Apaches etc. etc. Apart from that though, both sides are responsible for this bloodshed.
I dont know if you have noticed but as the time goes by, in wars, even more civillians are killed instead of soldiers. In WWI there were not so many civillians killed. In WWII though, the percentage went up. As the years advanced, the percentage of civillian casualties was going up even more. And now we got this "war" where like 90% of the casualties are unarmed people (Jews, Muslims I dont really care. They are all people..all the kids are on the same side. ).
And Widowmaker is right. Britain never invaded Ireland because of IRA. Why must Israel do this then? Because of the different religion? Just let it go. But when they DO stop the bombings, Hamas is going to get back on business...but not compare rockets atop of a block of flats, to F-16s, Tanks, Miniguns, Apaches etc. etc. Apart from that though, both sides are responsible for this bloodshed.

Before this thread is locked (as it no doubt will be)...well said mate!:ernae:
Israel is facing elections next month.
that is why we are seeing this now.
Before the invasion Israeli casualties were about 5
the Palestinian casualties are approaching 1000

Hamas is not going away, the missiles are unlikely to stop and if they do wont do for long.

This is all about killing Pals so the Omert party looks proactive.

For some of you 900 dead and further degradation of American moral standing may be a fair price to make a half corrupt Israeli leader look good

for me not so much
I dont know if you have noticed but as the time goes by, in wars, even more civillians are killed instead of soldiers. In WWI there were not so many civillians killed.

I think this is because WW1 became trench warfare. When the Germans were advancing they were looting, raping and killing civilians in Belgium. And the Germans did sink civilian ships.

I think in all armed conflicts civilians are the biggest victims, loosing life, stock and family because their political leaders seek an answer for their disagreements in using weapons...

Even back in the Middleages battles were fought according to certain rules, deciding a conflict in one big battle according some rules of knighthood, but after that civilians got raped, slaughtered because the mercenaries wanted to get paid etc etc

I still think it's very said the one Israeli leader who had the courage to break with tradition got assasinated by his own people. The world could have been completely different imo if Rabin was still alive or lived long enough to realise some of his plans. So even when there was peace, some Israeli's just did not want it......

But again, this forum is about flying stringbags, not about conflicts in the middle east and I leave it here
That entire area is a powderkeg, many different reasons for the current hostilities
1) Omert might be looking to show his party as strong, to retain power

2)Omert might be looking to retain power, out of love for his country. Because if the sheeple ( they exist in Israel also) elect the opposition. When IRAN develops their Nuclear Bomb, Israel is History

3) For the past 8 years, Israel has enjoyed a favorable position of support by the U.S.A., where as Bush supported the only Democracy in the Area. Correction: Syria is also a Democracy, However everybody always votes for the same person, as he's the Only one Running
The sole reason we appear to kiss the butt of Saudi Arabia, is their oil.
Such support is gone with Obama

4) Could be they just said: 'Enough of this Rocket Garbage' especially because Hezzbola is now supposedly gonna supply Hamas with longer range rockets. Rockets that can be shot from Gaza, and hit Tel-Aviv
So in your considered world view
Iran will upon completion of its 6th nuclear weapon commit suicide by bombing Israel and being turned into glass by the Israeli counterstrike and then by ours (USA)

It is your opinion that Iran... the country... is seconds away from committing a suicide bombing on a national scale.

you dont think that strategic vision is a bit limited huh?

Hamas was elected because we insisted elections be held (because at the time GWB needed the political boost) and even as we screech about democracy we refuse to deal with the people elected in this part of the world.
Hamas is evil you guys shout, they want to destroy Israel...
But they have launched a thousand rockets and hit what... two houses.. it will be a minute or two before Israel gets pushed into the sea.

Now Im not saying that Hamas is a great bunch of guys but because of the brilliant crush them all strategy the Israeli's and US hardline folks like so much, Gaza is a hell hole... and the only organization that has provided any meaningful relief for those people has been Hamas.

They are not going anywhere, the more Israel focuses on them the more gravitas they gain for forcing Israel to pay attention too them. The more Ministry of Culture buildings you bomb the more the Palestinians ask why the why the world cares not for their suffering and indignity.

This strategy makes no sense except too prop up the guy doing the bombing, it is emotional release, satisfaction, violent gratification... that will solve nothing and will only serve to boost Omerts poll numbers.
Guys.... enought already. Take this discussion elsewhere....

And please do not post anything else of this nature on this forum.

This is not the place for it, even though this has been a very light-hearted dicussion, and nothing offensive has been said, it's best to stop now and realize the situation is something that is far and beyond what we can discuss on a WWI forum.



Middle... please do the honors.
I am sure threads like this will be a distant memory after we all have something new to talk about. Such as,for instance our opinions of OFF. As it is more or less a taboo subject until it appears,other topic will appear
As for this thread, the coverage in the U.K.seems somewhat biased in favour of the Palestinians in my opinion. It seems difficult to seperate the Palesinian people from Hamas as they voted for them in the first place.
I'll make this short and sweet and then promise to drop the topic totally.

After January 20, there will be NO U.S. counterstike against IRAN.

The reason behind the limited effectiveness of the Hamas rocket fire, is the limited range of the rockets used. Now however Hezzbola ( Iran ) is slated to supply Hamas with Rockets which can reach all the way to Tel-aviv, In that respect, you could call this action preventative maintenance
please move this thread
I come here to divert myself
Not to discuss politics
but resisting the obligation too reply is ruining my OFF diversion
It's amazing ! = All these folks asking for the thread to be closed- 'But just before you do, I'd like to say this...

Close it! - should never have been opened.
Please close this thread, this forum is for wwI aviation flight sims, especially OFF, and is the reason that I joined this forum in the first place,

It is NOT for modern day politics - there are plenty of other forums for this

topic :focus:
I'm not a fan of censorship where no one has been insulted or defamed,it's just people holding differing views. However the great news elswhere on this forum may cause this thread to die away without anyone's help.
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