GeForce 6800 cards and CFS3 problems

Hi guys


Yes I have run cfsconfig.exe after deleting the config file.
When I open config.exe this information is displayed in the configuration program:

NVIDIA GeForce 6800
CFSConfig could not determine your hardware's configuration. Try reinstalling Combat Flight Simulator or updating your video card drivers."

So it's not a error message popping up, it's written below the name of the video card as I have written it here.

Thanks for your advice. I have installed OS:es a couple of times so I'm rather familiar with the process.
Wouldn’t it be expensive sending computer parts from USA to Sweden?

Actually shipping isn't as terrible to Europe as it could be, I can send 2 to 3 pounds priority mail for about $30.....if the savings in component pricing is greater than the shipping cost it could be worth thinking about. The worst part is the wait for the package to arrive....priority mail is estimated at 6 to 10 days, but is usually more closer to 2 weeks....

Had any luck with your graphics issue yet? New OS?

Installed Windows XP and driver version 66.93 and problems solved. :jump:

I tried all these Windows 98 drivers:
81.98 77.72 71.84 66.94, 66.42 61.76 61.21 60.86
And they all gave problems when running games. I guess that Nvidia never was too concerned about making good Windows 98 drivers for the GeForce 6800 video card.



Thanks for your interest trying to help me getting up and running! :) :)

One big problem solved and a few minor new ones to solve.

I have an old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro and now that I’ve installed Windows XP my old software for the stick doesn’t want to install in XP :isadizzy:

My Trackir 2 doesn't work in CFS3 but it works fine in IL-2 :blind:



Thanks for your interest trying to help me getting up and running! :) :)

One big problem solved and a few minor new ones to solve.

I have an old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro and now that I’ve installed Windows XP my old software for the stick doesn’t want to install in XP :isadizzy:

My Trackir 2 doesn't work in CFS3 but it works fine in IL-2 :blind:



Hi, glad to see you got it sorted. As for the joystick. Plug it in and then go to ControlPanel\Game Controllers. Click on add and then select Microsoft Sidewinder (Auto Detect). It should then load the native driver for it.

View attachment 84073

Can't help with trackir. Never used it before

Yeah, the MS Sindewinder software won't work in XP. It will just use some generic XP driver and should function normally. You just can't make out od game profiles and stuff.