German Airforce F-4F '37+79' repaint released!

Everybody fed up with German Rhinos yet?

Why, no, actually! ...:jump:

Another brilliant piece of artistry - I'm in ... :)

Seeing those camo paints makes me wish Canada had flown Phantoms ...

There's some great new scenery for Hopsten by our own Hschuit - will be nice for these birds - life is good ... :)


Thanks, guys!
Glad to see there's still some interest in those birds.

There's some great new scenery for Hopsten by our own Hschuit - will be nice for these birds - life is good ...

Good to know (missed it yet)!
But that would require a proper JaBoG 36 bird - maybe something like that?

@ Andy:
Compared to the pink Harrier, the norwegian way of zapping appears quite modest, doesn't it?

@ Stuart:
Sorry for this fault - must have messed this up when packing...
Good to know anyway, just in case anyone complains about this paint not showing up.

@ Quax:
Can't judge upon the C9 Double Ugly (for I don't have it), but thanks to Duckie preparing the ground, this fat lady has everything a painter needs to get happy!

... and now for something completely different:

Well, it's still 37+35, but this is how she appeared in 1992:







Assigned to JaBoG 35 back then, she wore the "Norm 81B" camo scheme, consisting of nothing less than six different shades of grey. This ship took part in GAFTIC exercises (German Airforce training in Canada) around Goose Bay. Here she is in 1992 at Lossiemouth, obviously in three-tank ferry configuration with combat training marks already applied:

Unfortunately, the Alphasim Double Ugly doesn't offer the three-tank visual model, but if anyone wants to take this hop across the pond (via Keflavik and Sondrestrom), this three external tank config may be useful:

Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 1
electric_pump = 1
Center1 = 0, 0, 0, 1994, 43
Center2 = 0, 0, -3, 600, 7
LeftMain = 0, -7, -3, 370, 7
RightMain = 0, 7, -3, 370, 7

The Rhino of course gets a little stiff with this amount of fuel carried with, but this config isn't meant for aerobatics - it's for the long run!

Think she'll be ready this Friday!
