If you ever find the time, thickheaded rockheads like me would really be able to benefit from a video tutorial on how to properly create a cal box. Also, how to create and size your drawings for the cal box would be great. I know you explain it in your C162 tutorial but I just cannot seem to be able to grasp it. I found your video tutorials helped me immensely in grasping some of the things I couldn't figure out from the written tutorials. It could be that some people like me are not meant to be able to use gmax.
If you ever find the time, thickheaded rockheads like me would really be able to benefit from a video tutorial on how to properly create a cal box. Also, how to create and size your drawings for the cal box would be great. I know you explain it in your C162 tutorial but I just cannot seem to be able to grasp it. I found your video tutorials helped me immensely in grasping some of the things I couldn't figure out from the written tutorials. It could be that some people like me are not meant to be able to use gmax.
Using any good overview introduction like the link posted by LZ, things fall into place quickly when learning gmax.
I guess it's like building a house, you must really prepare the ground and do a nice foundation before starting the framing and closing in. There are no shortcuts to anything worthwhile and complex.
I did a series of basic easy-to-use tutorials that seemed to work for those who otherwise had trouble here: http://www.flightsimonline.com/C162/
This was presented graphically step by step as the aircraft was being built. Unfortunately the original thread got lost in the SOH DB crash but all the tutes were preserved on my site.
I also did a basic gmax introduction done as a video tutorial.
Basic GMax Video Introduction:
Download the zip of the .avi file to play: