Going for a drive...

they SAS lot were on my list, to go with my Credenhill as i said, but looking at the pics gave me a wanting to do them right now :)
pre-finalising cabin interior.......

Cabin Done and Shine Done!

ZE413 ready for duty! next up..... 410, images are taken at Netheravon, home of the 8FLT AAC A109s
cool beans dude!! Will you upload your paints, for both kites? I can just make out the zip code too.

Been zooming round Monaco in the Skycar, a real hoot, at the end of the last flight I tried to flt through the arches at the stadium, woulda made it, but the wings started to unfold on me, ended the flight to spare the carnage, lol.

Sharp as a bowling ball and just as dense. That's me. Had to do a reinstall of FS9 a little while back. Forgot FSUIPC module. Didn't istall from DL as I "thought " I already had it installed.

JD, I believe the "read me" says you can lock the wings to keep them from unfolding (as in your case).
JD, I believe the "read me" says you can lock the wings to keep them from unfolding (as in your case).

I'm of the firm belief that those things do not apply to me, they're like those messages on dirty white vans someone has written with what used to be a perfectly clean finger. 'Clean me' is what they say, and 'clean me' they don't.That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

righto, guess you'd like to see credenhill :p all images taken in FSX by one of my testers, but it works in both 9 & X :) only layout done and one of 9 hangars awaiting texturing....




Private project unfortunately..... for the moment :jump:
I did think about asking, but your earlier comments led me to believe I shouldn't. Looks real good, one problem I do see is you may have one to few beta-testers :d

Hey Matt, be this a dead thread? Ya had me drooling on your great repaints - what a tease, bad dog! A week and just silence........