Goodbye Firefox


Staff member
I have been using FF for years. I was a very loyal supporter but no more. Their new terms of service have promoted me to remove it from all of my devices. Basically they reserve the right to use all of your data you use threw them however they want. You are not allowed to opt out

Bing and Chrome are nothing but spyware apps who track your every move so what other choice is there? I've been a Firefox user since before it was called Firefox but I am not happy with this news.

I try to opt out of all 'forced' marketing. I run an ad-blocker on every site (including YouTube) as I simply do not want to see what some brainless algorithm 'thinks' I might be interested in! If I want information on a product I will do my own searching thanks, I DO NOT need some bot 'force feeding' data that it thinks I might be interested in. In fact, if an ad is 'forced' on me I am more likely to ignore that product than buy it based on the fact that it was 'forced' on me in the first place. I am more than capable of deciding what I want and when and I do not need a bot telling me what I must have. That smacks way too much of '1984'! 'Pushed advertising' is one of the worst marketing concepts that has ever been invented in my humble opinion!
As an avid FF user, I searched some more about this. I found the following.

But the search continues. Like Tako_Kichi, I'm no big fan of Chrome and Edge (or bing). I've also tried other browsers, and none, NONE offer what FF has given us over all these years.

The most important thing Firefox has given me is the noscript addon.

For now I have installed Duckduckgo browser. It doesn't work with all sites but it's good enough for now.
The most important thing Firefox has given me is the noscript addon.

For now I have installed Duckduckgo browser. It doesn't work with all sites but it's good enough for now.
I've tried Duckduckgo, I wasn't too happy with it. Hell, I even tried Tor and Brave. Nope again.

Maybe there's some geek who came up with a cleaned up version of IE!! :D

Loyal Edge fan here. Though I have used FF a long time ago. I despise Google and avoid it as much as possible.
Sorry to hear this about FF.
Edge is Chromium. Grabbed this the other day. Everything but Safari (Apple) and FireFox are Chromium.

Attached is a file with the settings that will stop this folly of data sharing.

As for your traffic, that is up to your firewall. The native windows firewall is useless in that respect.



  • Disable FF telemetry and data sharing.pdf
    132 KB · Views: 27
Tried Waterfox. It didn't last long. Ran it a bit and observed what it did. For the time being, I'm sticking with my tweaked Firefox.

By the way, you don't want to know what our ISP's do with our surfing behaviour. That too can be obscured, but still, they're at the source. And they sell it to the highest bidder

I saw a lot of extra process activity. It's also a persistent browser. If you shut it down, you have to kill quite a few processes after that. They don't shut down automatically. A lot of programs have that, FF never had that. And now with the config changes that I posted, it runs super smooth and no residual activity after shutting down the browser.

In the past I've tried out quite a few alternative browsers. and they all have something in common. They're unfinished products.

This is of course just my humble opinion.

It's probably a foregone conclusion that any Browser or OS will have some sort of vulnerability that those interested or vested enough to filch your Data habits will at some point get them from you.
A VPN is one of the possibilities, so is the Tor Browser. A VPN has the advantage that the traffic is encrypted.
