Got any tactic tips?

There are people, who shall remain nameless, who have found a way to utilize a non-existant auto pilot. So they still need to spend the time flying, but their presence is not required

We all know that Warp NEVER existed in 1917, but using it, you don't get the time. That to my way of thinking is more Honest :kilroy:

I tend to agree so long as you get jumped at times from random rovig enemy patrols, otherwise it is just getting more hours and logging flight time. I like flying all teh way through the mission myself when I have the time and will most likely start a pilot who only does that and have a separtate guy for QC and warp career. Right now I am to new to know but the few missions I have been on I have only encountered enemy at the mission site not enroute, I am hoping that is just my luck.
1) you're Very Lucky
2) you're flying without labels. . as just AC a very easy to miss seeing
3) you're in a quite sector
4) Most probably, it's 1916 or early 1917 There just weren't that many AC up there, by 1918 you'll wish your Father never met your mother :d
There are people, who shall remain nameless, who have found a way to utilize a non-existant auto pilot. So they still need to spend the time flying, but their presence is not required

We all know that Warp NEVER existed in 1917, but using it, you don't get the time. That to my way of thinking is more Honest :kilroy:

Gimpy rolls out the honesty card :costumes::icon_lol:. Nameless has always been a stong advocate of NOT USING WARP of any kind. It's unrealistic, it's an immersion killer, it destroys tactics. Stalking prey is thrown out the window. It never existed then it doesn't exist now. It's, dare I say it, an ARCADE feature ! In short, it does not float my boat.

If time is scarce for whatever reason and OFF has to be shutdown, Nameless simply lands his aircraft in a field, as they often did with engine reliability issues, and closes the mission. It's quite simple.

If you wanna be honest with warping go fly star trek/star wars or some other fantasy.

You have this strange obsession about autopilot :isadizzy:, a thoroughly more reasonable concept than warp being successfully tested BEFORE WW1, yet you accept warp as quite okay. Doesn't make a lot of sense Gimp.

If you can stick your head out of the sand for just a moment and read this you might learn something.
I have seen the 17 hour average mentioned in relation to British observation crews during Bloody April 1917, and it would be hours in the air at the front, training not included.

Certainly the life expectancy of new pilots would vary greatly at different times during the war, from service to service, and in different regions of operations etc.

Warp versus Autopilot?? My vote is that Warp is a slightly bigger cheat. Autopilot only holds the plane level for you. You may be going in the wrong direction and you may get ambushed by the enemy or a mean cloud. But Warp will fly you exactly to the next waypoint and warn you if any enemies approach...too easy!!
Wikipedia is clear on most things EXCEPT this

There was NO electrical system, there was NO Hydroulic system, that leaves us with mechanical, which in this case is a hunk of rope, to secure the stick in position, to allow the pilot to use both hands at once and answer natures call or eat his box lunch

Never saw any notice of Sperry's invention being used in WWI aircraft, or is that only in the Australian Air Corps

Unless I'm mistaken, it's the misuse of Auto-Trim, to fit your purposes.
RB3D had an autopilot, aside from the FACT it never existed in Real Life :kilroy:
Granted WARP is a tremendous cheat, but I don't sulk about the loss of airtime, because I never flew it

With your system, you're in a different room, but your aircraft is flying itself . . . to me that's dishonest period. It's a game, if that's the way you want to play it fine. But don't create the illusion that it's not a form of cheating. :kilroy:
THe 17 hour survival

Well, if we had access to the old forums, there was allot of info there. I have done a fair bit of reading and the OFF TEAM's challenge of 17 hours is well tied into reality of the survival time of a pilot on the Front in WWI. This roughly translated into two weeks and was not inclusive of any training time. In Bloody April, pilots were only getting some 14 hours of air time in training.

Later in 1918, there was a more cohesive effort to have a larger number of aircraft in mission's, thus, there was an reflection of a longer survival time, which was not specifically documented per sey, but researchable. Training time was extended which also afforded better skills and thus survival.

However, as we see in hx, friendly fire consumed a number of pilots, but accidents, such as those inexperienced pilots in Sop Camels, had almost 1/2 as many deaths accidentally, as pilots shot down by the enemy.

There was a good sticky on "Good Reads" and you may see it's return.


There was NO electrical system, there was NO Hydroulic system, that leaves us with mechanical, which in this case is a hunk of rope, to secure the stick in position, to allow the pilot to use both hands at once and answer natures call or eat his box lunch

Never saw any notice of Sperry's invention being used in WWI aircraft, or is that only in the Australian Air Corps

Unless I'm mistaken, it's the misuse of Auto-Trim, to fit your purposes.
RB3D had an autopilot, aside from the FACT it never existed in Real Life :kilroy:

Here's some more reading material to further your edumacation on autopilot.

No it was not used in WW1 as far as I'm aware (although trimming was) but then the point is it could have been if the powers-that-be had entertained the idea and invested further time, experimentation and money on it. But, there was a war on and I'm sure other issues took priority. The concept, however, had been proven as workable and feasible.

You cannot say this about warping now or then.
Granted WARP is a tremendous cheat, but I don't sulk about the loss of airtime, because I never flew it

With your system, you're in a different room, but your aircraft is flying itself . . . to me that's dishonest period. It's a game, if that's the way you want to play it fine. But don't create the illusion that it's not a form of cheating. :kilroy:

I'm in a different room am I :isadizzy:And just how exactly do you know that O omnipresent dude ?

No Gimp I'll make a cuppa or light a smoke or adjust my left testicle or pick my nose or just walk around a bit or stretch but I'm never out of sight of the screen. I only invoke autopilot when there is no immediate danger and only on those really long missions that come up. As soon as I see flak bursts or enemies or anything I perceive as hostile or a dangerous environment I disengage immediately. If you want to call that a form of cheating so be it. I'll just call it an anti-carpel-tunnel exercise and will continue to use it as I see fit.

However, to use autopilot from another room would not be a cheat as you suggest .... anything but infact.... it would be suicide.
Didn't even bother reading the link, as I realise tremendous strides in aircraft technology took place in the 20's, unfortunately the game is set a bit before that period existed.

We are indeed lucky that the lads working for Microsoft allowed WARP to occur at 123mph. It could've occured at 250mph, well within the operating range of a P47, however we'd be 'up the creek, without a paddle'. By the way, the P47 Had an electrical system, and autopilot. That's it . . . You've got your Wars Mixed Up

Suddenly . .It dawned on me, Auto Trim ( Australian Autopilot ) is best used at extremely high altitudes. Well beyond the visual capabilities of Archie. The gun itself could easily reach that hieght, but an aircraft would remain unseen by a human, aided by the Binoculars of the period.
You can't hit, what you can't see !!

Soo there's Method to your Madness :wavey:
You didn't read the link :isadizzy:!! .... :costumes: :costumes: LMSWAO you've completely missed the point then you crazy old stubborn coot :costumes:

But I haven't had such a good old belly laugh for some time. You've made my day Gimp :ernae:. You rock man :applause: