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Control of Rotary Engines

The earliest rotary engines did not have either a throttle or a fuel regulator that the pilot could use in flight. The fuel/air mixture was adjusted on the ground by the pilot or engine fitters to provide the maximum rated power for take-off. This would provide the pilot with an engine that gave maximum power (for continued use) up to about 3000 ft, and above this altitude the decreasing air density would 'enrich' the engine leading to a decrease in power until it eventually cut out (although the aircraft would have ceased to climb long before that). The pilot was provided with a 'blip' (or 'coupe') switch to temporarily cut ignition to the engine, mostly for use whilst taxiing on the ground or for landing, although the pilot also had a on/off petrol stop-cock that could also be used to cut the engine for landing (as most of these light rotary aircraft could glide in, or 'volplane' well with the engine off). The engine valve-timings could also be adjusted on the ground, and there were early experiments to provide pilots with a cockpit lever that could be used to adjust power by making such changes to the Gnome Monosoupape. These appear to have been abandoned, although the Gnome Monosoupape did introduce a fuel regulator lever that could be used by the pilot to finely adjust the amount of fuel entering the engine. This was in addition to the on/off fuel cock, and was mainly introduced to give better engine performance at altitudes above 3000 ft, as the pilot could now 'lean' the engine as altitude increased - but it also provided the pilot with some ability to reduce engine power at lower altitudes. Lt. R T Leighton gives this description of taking off in an Avro with a 100 hp Monosoupape: "The engine should give 1,150-1,200 rpm, as height is gained, and then petrol should be cut down until engine is giving 1,050-1,100 rpm" ('Pilots' notes for the handling of World War I warplanes' 1917, published by the Shuttleworth Collection 1968). For landing "Shut petrol off... Glide down... Taxi in by 'buzzing' engine with petrol about 1" on adjustment" (Ibid.). The later 160 hp Monosoupape (used bt the Americans in their version of the Sopwith Camel) had an additional five-way switch labelled 0-1-2-3-4 (0 fully off, 4 fully on) connected to the right hand magneto (blip switch connected to the left) to give the pilot some control over the firing impulses to the cylinders in order to reduce power, mainly for landing and taxiing ("Shooting down the myths of the rotary engine", Great War Times, vol.6 issue 4).

The Le Rhone engine introduced the further innovation of a throttle to regulate air, an addition to the fuel regulator and the on/off fuel cock found on the Monosoupape. Lt. Leighton describes these levers on the 80 hp Le Rhone Sopwith Pup: "1. Petrol main tap, 2. Petrol fine adjustment lever, 3. Throttle lever, which in addition to opening and closing the throttle in the ordinary way, opens and closes a needle valve, which regulates the petrol supply" and goes on to say that "Theoretically, the position of the fine adjustment can be found once and for all for every position of the throttle, so that having set fine adjustment once, it need not be moved again. The throttle lever then being worked as on a stationary engine. Practically, the engine will run if worked this way, but better results are obtained by varying the position of the fine adjustment with varying positions of the throttle lever". He adds that after taking off with rpm at 1,200 rpm the engine should be "throttled down to 950 rpm when the scout will fly at 60, 70 or 80 mph", and for landing "the throttle and petrol should be closed as far back as possible but with the engine running smoothly... [then] ...Glide down at 65 mph".

Clerget rotaries (and later derivatives such as the Bentley) appear to have dispensed with this unreliable linkage between the throttle and fuel regulator, leaving the pilot to manually adjust the fuel regulator for every change in throttle setting. Lt. Leighton describes the controls in the 110 hp Clerget Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter as "1. Petrol main cock, 2. Petrol fine adjustment lever, 3. Throttle lever". He describes take-off as "Fine adjustment about 1/4 of quadrant, throttle about 1/2 of quadrant. These positions cannot be given definately as they vary on different machines but the right position can easily be found...Try and taxi out on throttle using the [blip] switch as little as possible. Always remember to cut down your fine adjustment when you throttle down. If your engine starts popping it is most likely because you have not cut down your fine adjustment sufficiently... To open up your engine, advance throttle, then fine adjustment... this engine should give 1,150 rpm in the air... [but] ... 1030-1,100 is sufficient".

Most sources are in agreement that the Le Rhone, Clerget and their derivatives could be throttled back to about 50% of full engine power in the air, and somewhat further on the ground (windmilling of the prop in a shallow descent added a further 100-150 rpm in the air), but there is little agreement on exactly how far. About 600-800 rpm in the air, according to engine type, the condition of the engine, etc. (the major exception being the German SH Contra-rotating engine which could be throttled down to 350 rpm, according to the author of Profile Publication no.86, 1966). Pilots appear to have 'cruised' at about 75%-80% of full rated power when at their operating altitude. Not only did this conserve fuel, but it allowed the engines to cool down after a long climb at full power and allowed those with less powerful engines to catch up and maintain formation (as, even in aircraft with the same engines, their engines would vary somewhat depending on the quality of construction, maintenance, age, etc.).

Contemporary sources also mention that these engines could be over-revved slightly in flight to give a brief period of extra engine power over and above the rated maximum. This appears to vary, although for rotaries it seems to be something like 5% or less in excess of the rated maximum power. On these early aero engines there do not appear to have been any real physical barriers on the throttle quadrant to limit pilots from exceeding the maximum rated engine settings (the maximum rated power was obtained at about 7 on a throttle quadrant that went from 1 to 10), but it is clear from contemporary sources that the pilots could, and did, exceed the rated rpm (often inadvertently in a dive, but also sometimes in level flight or climb). This, like the use of the blip switch at full power, was frowned on officially and by commanding officers. Christopher Draper, CO of Naval Eight, quotes these instructions on control of Clerget rotaries to all new pilots ("The mad major", Air Review, 1962) "Don't exceed 1,250 rpm at any time. It causes the ball-races to 'creep' and other unpleasant things", and "Don't 'blip' except when throttled right down. It is extremely bad flying and puts unnecessary strain on the whole machine". L F E Coombs notes (Control of the sky: the evolution and history of the aircraft cockpit, Pen & Sword, 2005) that the Pup's throttle could be opened even further forward, beyond the maximum effective power setting, but that pushed beyond this point the engine rpm then starts to fall again.

World War I Supercharchers and Turbo Superchargers

The title of this is a bit tongue-in-cheek, because although all the developments outlined here took place during the First World War, none of them (to the best of my knowledge) ever saw combat or entered operational service before the end of the war. They never got beyond the prototype stage, but nevertheless present an intriguing look into what might-have-been had the war continued into the winter of 1918 or the spring of 1919.

The basic principles behind the supercharging of aviation engines were recognized as early as 1910, when the New Engine Company in the USA built a a small 2-stroke V4 engine with a Roots-type blower (Setright). This was followed by experiments with forward facing 'scooped' air intakes to the carburettor, to increase the air density by creating pressure in the air intake that was the sum of the atmospheric pressure and the pressure created by the velocity of the aircraft or the propeller slip stream. It was calculated, however, that the best that could be achieved by an aircraft with such a 'scoop', making 120 mph near ground level, was 0.24 lb per square inch, which was not enough to make a really significant difference (Marks).

Once the war had started, however, all the main combatants were soon experimenting with more sophisticated superchargers, or turbo superchargers. In Britain, the first experimental work on supercharging was initiated by F.M. Green at the Royal Aircraft Factory, Farnborough. The experiments started with piston compressors and moved on to Roots blowers and turbochargers, but these early attempts were eventually dropped in favour of the development of a new gear driven centrifugal compressor. Most of the design work on this was done by James Ellor (who later went on to make a significant contribution to the post-war development of Rolls-Royce superchargers before World War II). The very first prototype supercharger developed at the RAF was fitted to an RAF1A engine, and flight tested in a BE2c. The supercharger increased the climb of the BE2c from 8500 ft in 35 minutes (without supercharger) to 11,500 ft in 35 mins (with supercharger), but S.D. Heron (who was also involved) notes that the gears were near the fuel tank and "were quite inadequate... [and] ...failed in flight, producing showers of sparks and a feeling of distinct concern" to Elliott, who was the flight project engineer (Heron). Undaunted, in 1916 they moved on from this supercharger to design a built-in gear driven centrifugal supercharger for the new air-cooled RAF8 radial engine, but the Factory decided to drop further development of the RAF8 after continued trouble with the gears and impeller (the RAF establishment was not overly fond of rotary or radial engines), and the design was given to Siddeley-Deasy. Although the problems with the gears may then have been solved by the use of centrifugal clutches, Siddeley-Deasy shelved development of the engine until 1922, when it was ultimately reborn as the supercharged Jaguar radial to finally enter operational use in 1926 (Heron).

In Germany very similar experiments and supercharger developments were taking place by firms such as Schwade and Brown, Boveri & Co., AEG, and Siemens Schuckert. The first prototype was probably a centrifugal blower produced by Brown, Boverie & Co. to a design by W.G. Noack and developed sometime between January and November 1917. This supercharger was powered by a single Daimler D.II engine, and provided compression to the four D.IVa 260 hp engines of a giant Staaken type aircraft. Initial tests were then conducted on a single D.IVa at the high altitude test bench (vacuum chamber) at the Zeppelin Works sometime between November 1917 and February 1918. These tests were followed by flying tests on a Staaken, and the aircraft achieved an altitude of almost 6000 m, compared to less than 4000 m without a supercharger (Noack). The most developed supercharger, however, was probably that by Schwade & Co. of Erfurth. Like the British supercharger, it was a geared centrifugal blower and appears to have been developed in single-, three- and even four-stage versions to be coupled to either a stationary or a rotary engine (Noack). Prototypes were designed for the Daimler Mercedes D.IVa and flight tested on an AEG G type aircraft, and also fitted to the rotary Oberursel Ur.II and Ur.III (designated Ur.IIa and Ur.IIIa respectively). It seems likely that one was also fitted to a captured Le Rhone 9c rotary and test-flown on a Fokker Dr.1, and there appear to have been plans to fit it to the Fokker D.VIII (Taz). The Schwade supercharger is reported to have maintained aircraft full engine power up to an altitude of between 3500 m and 4000 m (Schwager).

During the same period French engineers at Rateau were busy developing their own prototype turbo superchargers. Flight tests with a turbocharged Renault 300hp Breguet 14 A2 indicated an improved climb to 16,400 ft from 47.5 minutes without turbocharger to 27 minutes with the turbocharger, and an increase in speed at that altitude from 91 to 120 mph. British tests with the Rateau turbocharged engine showed that an air-cooled engine could develop within 12% of ground power to altitudes of around 17,000 to 20,000 ft. Similar tests done with a prototype Moss turbo supercharger in the USA (General Electric Co.) on a Liberty engine indicated an increase in power for this engine from 251hp to 367hp at 1800 rpm (Marks, Devillers).

Although all these superchargers and turbochargers could clearly confer a very significant advantage to an aircraft's altitude performance, they were all mechanically complicated and chronically unreliable. The post-war slump in military aviation and applied research led to something of a hiatus in supercharger design, and it was therefore not until the mid to late 1920s or early 1930s that more reliable and effective superchargers and turbo superchargers could be designed and developed, just in time for the next war..


Setright, L.J.K. The power to fly: the development of the piston engine in aviation. Allen & Unwin, 1971.

Marks, Lionel B. The airplane engine. McGraw-Hill, 1922.

Heron, S.D. History of the aircraft piston engine: a brief outline. Ethyl Corporation, 1961.

Noack, W.G. Tests of the Daimler D.IVa engine at a high altitude test bench. Technische Berichte, vol.III 1918 (translated into English and published as NACA Technical Note no.15, October 1920).

Noack, W.G. Airplane Superchargers. NACA Technical Note no.48, May 1921.


Schwager. Recent efforts and experiments in the construction of aviation engines. Technische Berichte, vol.III 1918 (translated into English and published as NACA Technical Note no.12, September 1920).

Devillers, Rene. The problem of the turbo-compressor. NACA Technical Note no.11, August 1920.

The full-text of these NACA reports are available in pdf format online, either directly from the NASA website, or from the British mirror site maintained by Cranfield University (AERADE).
Did They Have WEP (War Emergency Power)?

A quick answer to this would be "No", as WEP depended upon a supercharged engine and/or water/methanol injection into the engine, and neither was available until WWII (the term itself dating from this time). But if the question was rephrased, "Could they exceed their engine's maximum rated power in flight?" then, in many cases, the answer would be "Yes".

Most WWI aircraft engines had three entirely different figures for 'maximum power': nominal rated power (the one that is often quoted in books); then normal full power for 'continuous running'; and then a higher output at an increased engine rpm for just 'a few minutes only'. The Hispano-Suiza Viper for example, was nominally rated at 200 hp/2000 rpm/msl, but had an actual normal full power output of about 212 bhp/2000 rpm/msl, and could be run at 2100 rpm for 'a few minutes only' with an output of about 224 bhp at msl - a 'WEP' of approximately 12 bhp at msl, which is an increase of just over 5% of normal full power (1).

The distinction between normal full power for 'continuos running' and maximum power for 'a few minutes only' is explained in a WWI instruction manual, "Hispano Suiza Engines: Notes for Squadrons in the Field", where it defines normal full speed rpm as 'the speeds that may be maintained continuously for periods of three hours or more at a time', and maximum speed rpm as 'the speeds at which it is permissible to run the engine for short periods only (say, five minutes)' (2).

This distinction between rated power, normal full speed, and maximum speed of WWI engines can be seen again for British and French engines in the Air Board's Data Sheets, where the first three columns for each engine are labeled as 'Rated H.P.', and then under 'R.P.M. of engines in flight' the two sub-divisions 'Normal Full Speed Maxm for Long Periods' and then 'Maximum Permissable Speed for Few Minutes Only' (3). In the case of rotary engines there was also a distinction between 'gross' and 'net' power, 'net' power being the 'real' power rating after adjustment for 'windage' (the amount of power required by the spinning engine to overcome air resistance) which could vary according to how effectively the rotary engine was cowled. Manufacturers generally preferred to quote the 'gross' power, so Gwynnes rated their Clerget 9BF at 150 hp (4) but the Air Board continued to rate it at the nominal 130 hp whilst noting that it had an actual (net) output of 148 hp at 1250 rpm (5). Heron, who had the job of determining the windage losses on the early Bentley BR1/AR1 rotary notes that, although nominally rated at 150 hp/1250 rpm, "gross horsepower... was about 142. The windage horspower was 24 with the engine in the open air and 16.5 when cowled" (6). This gave it a 'real' (net) hp of about 126 when cowled, more-or-less identical to that of the (nominally rated) 130 hp Clerget 9B, which also had a net output of around 126 hp (7).

There was, in nearly all cases, no 'gate' or 'wire' (as was common in WWII) to prevent the pilot from inadvertently over-revving the engine into the 'maximum' rpm 'for a few minutes only' range (the only exception to this that I have found being for the overcompressed Benz Bz.IVa engine, where the pilot had to press a button in before pushing the throttle forwards into the highest rpm range). It is clear, however, that use of 'maximum power' was frowned upon in all situations other than dire emergency - as it certainly stressed the aero engine, shortened engine life, and could lead in extreme cases to sudden engine failure. Christopher Draper, the CO of No.8 Squadron RNAS, included in his list of "Don'ts" for new pilots the instruction 'Don't exceed 1,250 rpm [normal full power of the Clerget rotary engine] at any time. It causes the ball-races to "creep" and other unpleasant things' (8). The Clerget 130 hp rotary engine's max rpm for a 'few minutes only' is noted as being 1300 rpm in the Air Board's Data Sheets, an increase of 50 rpm above the normal full power rpm of 1250.

In the absence of a physical 'gate', British and French pilots were expected to maintain a close eye on the RPM gauge at all times and listen to the sound of the engine, as normal full rpm could also be exceeded by the 'windmilling' of the prop in a shallow dive. R.T. Leighton notes that for the 110 hp Clerget 'Fine adjustment about 1/4 of quadrant. Throttle about 1/2 of quadrant' would give full power on the ground (9), and another pilot, Neil Williams, noted that for the 80 hp Le Rhone "Even at full power one cannot push the levers beyond half-way as the rpm will fall" (quoted in 10). The quadrant was marked from 1 to 10, with the idle position being about 3 and maximum power about 7, although the exact position could vary from one engine to another or with changing atmospheric pressure and temperature. With direct drive and fixed-pitch props the maximum power was generally obtained at maximum permissable engine speed - so opening the throttle beyond this point usually resulted in a loss of power and damage to the engine - and so, in the example of the 80 hp Le Rhone C 'somewhere around 1500 rpm the cylinders can begin to stretch, followed closely by departing' (11).

But it is possible that for most German pilots with the early or mid-war 'low altitude 'stationary engines, this might not have been a problem - as it appears that their engines may have been 'limited' to a maximum of 1400 rpm by either throttle stops/governors or by calibration of the throttle lever. It is notable that nearly all of the German stationary engines of this period had their power output specified at a standard 1400 rpm. If we look at the throttle curves for captured examples of these engines it is remarkable that in almost every case the throttle curve also stops at 1400 rpm, although the power curve continues to go up in most cases for at least another 100-200 rpm (indicating that these engines may have had more power than the pilot could access via the throttle controls). In the British tests on a captured Daimler Mercedes D.IIIa, for example, the normal full power is quoted as 179.5 bhp at 1400 rpm (the point at which the throttle curve stops), but the maximum power is quoted as being 188 bhp at 1500 rpm, with a peak of 197.5 bhp at 1700 rpm for a very short time (12). Similarly, the report for the Mercedes D.IVa indicates that the normal full power was 252 bhp at 1400 rpm, the point at which the throttle curve stops, but increasing to 260 bhp at 1500 rpm and finally around 268 bhp at 1600 rpm on the power curve (13); and on the Austro-Daimler a normal full power of 200 bhp at 1400 rpm, again at the point where the throttle curve stops, but an increase on the power curve to 212 bhp at 1500 rpm and 222 bhp at 1600 rpm (14).

If this is so, it certainly changes with the introduction of the new high or overcompressed 'altitude' engines in 1918. These engines had to remain throttled back at low altitudes, to prevent damage to the engine, but they were designed to take advantage of the higher engine speeds of up to 1600 rpm at altitudes of 2000-3000 m and upward. In nearly all examples this altitude control was integrated with the throttle control: in the case of the overcompressed Daimler Mercedes D.IIIau, for example, there was merely an admonition to the pilot above the throttle quadrant, warning the pilot not to push the throttle lever forward into the 'high altitude' section of the throttle range at low altitudes; but in the Maybach Mb IVa there was a clearly marked divide to separate the 'low' from the 'high' section of the quadrant (15). In the overcompressed Benz engines there was a physical 'gate' in the form of a button that had to be pressed in by the pilot before the throttle lever could be advanced into the high altitude section of the quadrant (16), and in the case of the BMW IIIa there was a secondary, and entirely separate throttle lever that had to be engaged to increase engine speed above 1400 rpm (17).

The pilots were instructed not to engage this 'over-gas' at low altitude, as this extract from a letter by Lothar von Richthofen illustrates: 'In order to not unnecessarily stress the motor, and maintain advantage, the "over" gas throttle position should be used only over 2000 meters with direct climbing or in aerial combat. It is absolutely necessary that each pilot is informed in the mode of operation of the BMW motor, (in order to avoid unnecessary motor failure)'. There is evidence, however, in particular that of a letter from Goering, that pilots could, and did, sometimes use the 'over-gas' at very low altitudes: he states that 'As a rule, the "over" gas throttle position is not used under 3000 meters", but he goes on to immediately qualify this by saying that "Not only have we been operating in the "over" gas throttle position almost constantly throughout aerial engagement, but also at low altitude, and without any damage to the engine' ending with an anecdote to show that this was so, and moreover a lifesaver (18). I am a little suspicious of this letter (from the text of the letter, Goering was clearly trying to get the authorities to give his unit first priority in the supply of the new engine, and his anecdote is remarkably free of any facts that could be checked), and in particular because there is no further evidence of this from either Lothar von Richthofen (see above) or Ernst Udet (19). But there is, apparently, an entry for the BMW IIIa engine in "Typenhandbuch der deutschen Luftfahrttechnik" by Bruno Lange, to say: "Notleistung in Bodennähe bis 200 kw (230 PS)..." or "Emergency performance near ground level 230 PS" (20, but there is some confusion over the actual figure as 200 kw does not eqaute to 230 PS). In contrast to this, the British report from tests on a captured BMW IIIa indicates that at 1400 rpm, the BMW IIIa was already producing 234 bhp at normal full power, before the 'over-gas' was engaged, and a msl equivalent of 254 bhp with the over-gas fully open at 1600 rpm (a 20/80 benzol/petrol mixture in use). The British tests with the 'over-gas' control fully open were, however, only made possible with use of a "blower" to simulate the conditions at altitude (21): and it remains unclear just how much 'over-gas' could be employed, and therefore just how much 'boost' a pilot could get, by engaging the secondary throttle at such low altitudes.

Summary: it is clear that most WWI aero engines had both a 'normal full power' and then a 'maximum' power for short-duration or emergency use only, although the difference between them appears to have been not much more than 5% of full engine power in most cases (or even less, probably, for rotary engines). It is possible, however, that this 'maximum' power 'for a few minutes only' might not have been available to the pilots of the many 'low altitude' German and Austrian aircraft, at least until the introduction of the new overcompressed high altitude engines in 1918. It is apparent that these altitude engines could be 'over-revved' at low altitude, but the resulting 'boost' in performance from this, although it might have been potentially significant, still remains uncertain - but did have the potential to wreck the engine and was therefore discouraged for anything other than emergency use.


1. "Viper" Hispano-Suiza power curve. 1917/18. PRO AVIA 6/25950

2. British Ministry of Munitions. Notes for squadrons in the field: Hispano-Suiza engines. 1918. PRO AIR 10/352.

3. British Air Board. Data for structure and stability calculations of aircraft. 1917. PRO DSIR 36/4828.

4. Gwynnes Ltd. Clerget patent aero engines: instructions and list of parts. c.1917 .Facsimile published by Camden Miniature Steam Services, 2001.

5. British Air Board (as above).

6. Heron, S.D. History of the aircraft piston engine: a brief outline. Ethyl Corp., 1961.

7. British Air Board (as above).

8. Draper, Christopher. The mad major: autobiography. Air Review, 1962.

9. Leighton, R.T. Pilots' notes for the handling of World War I warplanes and their rotary engines. The Shuttleworth Collection.

10. Coombs, L.F.E. Control in the sky: the evolution and history of the aircraft cockpit. Pen & Sword Aviation, 2005.

11. Shooting down the myths of the rotary engine, in: 'The Great Times', vol.6 no.4.

12. British Ministry of Munitions. Report on the 180 hp Mercedes aero engine, 1918. PRO AIR 10/268.

13. British Air Board. Report on the 260 hp Mercedes aero engine, 1917. PRO AIR 10/250.

14. British Ministry of Munitions. Report on the 200 hp Austro-Daimler aero engine, 1918. PRO AIR 10/355.

15. British Ministry of Munitions. Report on the 300 hp Maybach aero engine, 1918. PRO AIR 10/338.

16. LVG. Pilotweb.

17. British Air Ministry. Report on the 230 hp Bayern aero engine, 1919. PRO AIR 10/397.

18. Extracts from translated letters by Goering and Lothar von Richthofen, posted by Dave Watts on The Aerodrome forum.

19. Udet, Ernst. My experiences with the BMW motor type IIIa, Cross & Cockade journal vol.2 no.2 Summer 1961 (originally published in German in 'Motor' May-June 1919, and translated by Alex Imrie).

20. Rammjaeger, posted on The Aerodrome forum.

21. (see above, 17)