Groundcrew He-111


Charter Member
Did the "Ground Crew" or "Groundcrew" ever have an FS9 version of their superb He-111 Bomber? I remember flying this magnificent bird in my CFS2 days and I thought they had an FS9 version at one time.

I have several models of the Messerschmitt Me-110, a "G" and an "F" I believe, that they did and those are really nice slow flyers in FS9.

Did the "Ground Crew" or "Groundcrew" ever have an FS9 version of their superb He-111 Bomber? I remember flying this magnificent bird in my CFS2 days and I thought they had an FS9 version at one time.

I have several models of the Messerschmitt Me-110, a "G" and an "F" I believe, that they did and those are really nice slow flyers in FS9.


They had an FS2004 update pack to use with their CFS2 Heinkel III, to make it work in FS9 - results are not bad. There were a lot of repaints done for the CFS2 bird so, with a bit of patience editing the aircraft.cfg, you'll have plenty of choices. All are available at the Groundcrew site, which is now parked in Reg's Hangar. Crew Design Group Official Website.htm
Thanks Andy! :salute: I thought at one time there was an update file for the CFS2 plane to work in FS9. There are lots of repaints out there, like you say. I'm gonna play around with this for a while and see if I can fine tune it.

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:
There is an alternative panel on Flightsim by Michael Vader and a good soundset of the twin Jumo 211 inline engines by Lawdog2360 here in the CFS2 sound section.

Regards Paul Day.
I did a alternative panel using the VC bitmap for it, when I get back to day I will dig it out of moth balls and if anyone wants it I will upload it. It will take a little time to find it, but was a pretty good job on it!!!
One thing I'll say for this plane... albeit a bit slow, she'll go forever on internal fuel. I downloaded the model and the FS9 update and right out of the box, it's not a bad flyer at all. Very gentle for a big airplane, and easy to land too.
I aliased the sound to my copy of the WoP He-219. I thought the He-111 was fitted with Daimler-Benz 601's but I could be wrong. The WoP He-219 soundfile fits the He-111 perfectly. All the sounds transition smooth and complete including the "prop-flutter" at low RPM. Batting 1000 so far.

Putting all the gauges in the panel folder works fine for most FS9 models as it does with the He-111. I like the CFS2 panel included with the model so for now, I'm just going to leave it. I plan to have a look at Michael Vader's panel tho, and if it suits my purpose, I'll change it. Thanks for the info Paul :ernae:.

Marvin, if you find that panel, I'd like to have a go with it. In the interim, I have added an FS9 GPS to the original panel as a pop-up.

Now for the tweaks... I'm looking for a different prop. I'm not really crazy about the stock prop on the He-111, even tho it's not that bad. I'm planning to add the nav lights to the wingtips of the plane as well as remove the exaust effects.

I found a few repaints over at Flightsim, I'll be adding those once I finish tweaking the prop and the lights. (That is... if I can find a prop that works).


btw, the 110 works perfect in FS9 (unfortunatly Not the "Dackelbauch"). I have created a package for my self a long time ago (2years). added new sounds an repaints by Morton. This Bird will never leave my hangar.... ;-)
That is an excellent panel! Unfortunately, I may be the only one of this lot who would want it, Marvin. The He-111 is an older model and there are but a handful of "Niners" who still like planes like this, that I know of. Watch... because I say that, you'll get 500 requests! Nice work all the same, mate! :guinness:

After locating the usual paints on the web for this plane, I am finding that some work in FS9 just fine, and some don't. Anyone who is interested I would be happy to upload the ones that will work, here at SOH.... if they haven't been already. I am "library challenged" when using (or trying to use) the SOH library. I have no idea where to look, except in the Archive, and not real sure how to locate stuff.:isadizzy:
I have been flying the plane with the stock colors it came with alot. The paint scheme gives the model a "sinister" look and seems to work really well in thick forrest scenery.

btw, the 110 works perfect in FS9 (unfortunatly Not the "Dackelbauch"). I have created a package for my self a long time ago (2years). added new sounds an repaints by Morton. This Bird will never leave my hangar.... ;-)

Quax, it is actually not too difficult to make the "Dackelbauch" usable in FS9 as well (at least the model).

It a bit too complex to explain here in a few sentences , but in general you have to make a second model folder in the Bf110E subfolder and copy the "dackelbauch model file in it. Rename the textures and create a entry refering to "other" model file in your aircraft config file.

It is really as simple as it sounds. It is much more complicated to add the additional fuel load etc., but at least it would give you the oppertunity to fly the "Dackelbauch" model.

I reinstalled this model a few weeks ago and and for an old girl, is it really nine years ago, she still cuts it, there's some great sound sets out there and a whloe bunch of repaints at the Ground crew site, i have a weakness for glass fronted planes esp in vc mode and shes great for ambling around the FS9 world. if only there FW200 would work in FS9 as well.
cheers ian
Greg's Condor is an old FSDS 1.5 design. I'm afraid you won't have much luck porting it over to FS9.
The He111 was one of the very first Gmax aircraft for CFS2 with breaking parts and all that, btw.
IIRC only Graham was faster than me making the switch to the new tech back then. :icon_lol:

don't suppose Greg's source files are available, or Greg for that matter to ask? I'd happily try porting the Condor into FSDS2 or maybe 3 at least that way she'd show in FS9 correctly. Would love to see the Do24 too.

no harm in asking,
Jamie, I don't even have a working e-mail addy from Greg anymore, we long lost sight.
Don't know, maybe you find contact details at Reg's Hangar?

Ah yes, the Do24, my first ever aircraft.
Really scary to look at it more than ten years later.
One day I'll do a new one. :mixedsmi::kilroy:

thanks for the reply, will look at Reg's. I have very fond memories of your Dornier from CFS2 days. Was it an FSDS 1.x model too, hinting if you still have the sources :d. Would love to have this lovely old boat looking swell in FS9.

Yes, it was FSDS 1.5.
I should have the source files somewhere on CD but I doubt that those are still readable after 10 years
Basically all my backup CD's prior to something like 2004 are unreadable.
Anyway, let me have a look if I can find the old stuff. :salute: