One thing I'll say for this plane... albeit a bit slow, she'll go forever on internal fuel. I downloaded the model and the FS9 update and right out of the box, it's not a bad flyer at all. Very gentle for a big airplane, and easy to land too.
I aliased the sound to my copy of the WoP He-219. I thought the He-111 was fitted with Daimler-Benz 601's but I could be wrong. The WoP He-219 soundfile fits the He-111 perfectly. All the sounds transition smooth and complete including the "prop-flutter" at low RPM. Batting 1000 so far.
Putting all the gauges in the panel folder works fine for most FS9 models as it does with the He-111. I like the CFS2 panel included with the model so for now, I'm just going to leave it. I plan to have a look at Michael Vader's panel tho, and if it suits my purpose, I'll change it. Thanks for the info Paul :ernae:.
Marvin, if you find that panel, I'd like to have a go with it. In the interim, I have added an FS9 GPS to the original panel as a pop-up.
Now for the tweaks... I'm looking for a different prop. I'm not really crazy about the stock prop on the He-111, even tho it's not that bad. I'm planning to add the nav lights to the wingtips of the plane as well as remove the exaust effects.
I found a few repaints over at Flightsim, I'll be adding those once I finish tweaking the prop and the lights. (That is... if I can find a prop that works).