Groundcrew He-111

Oh, impressive!
I found a bunch of FSC and FSP files and also a never released (and probably unfinished) Gmax version for CFS2 of the Do 24 with a reworked fuselage geometry, total of 142MB in size.
Ig you want the stuff I'll upload it for you.

that is indeed impressive, I've got CD's half that age I wish were still readable. Lost a lot of my old Uni and early design stuff :(. As for the sources, would be really really happy and grateful to try and FS9 them. If your willing I'll PM you my e-mail addy or whatever you require.

I also have an FW190-A beta for FS9 that Ground Crew started working on. It took a little doing but I added a complete 2D panel and placed some gauges into the VC to make it a reasonably historically correct cockpit (Using Stock and the Kedi Gauges mentioned earlier). The visual model is very nice and was well worth the effort. I'm using Lawdog's F190 sounds. Not that it has any bearing on the He-111, but it's another Ground Crew beauty of a model.

incompatable gauge?

I installed the Groundcrew HeIII and the FS9 update, and though it flys fine I get an error message on loading the plane which says "Flight Simulator has detected potential incompatable aircraft or software, file :Gauge\CFO_Refuel_Dump.GAU ,do you want to load this software?Click no to disable ,yes to enable" ,or something like that. Is it ok to remove this gauge from the root gauges folder? Or is it used by other German planes that I have and is just incompatable with the He III?
I always click yes to enable and it does't seem to hurt anything.
The gauge only would become truly active when you actually try to dump fuel. That may or may not cause problems at that time.

If you don't plan on dumping fuel you might as well get rid of the gauge. But to be honest having read through some of your other exploits in the wild world of bits and bites I'd suggest just leaving it alone and continue with the error.

If you want to get rid of it for this plane only to avoid issues somewhere else you can open this planes panel.cfg file, find the gauge line for this gauge and insert // at the beginning of that line.

Just uploaded the He111 2D panel in the 2004 panel sec. Prob. be a bit till ready, You will need the original Gauges and Michel Vaders
Kedi gauges.And mike wagers duel German mag. gauges. Also place Gauges000 in the main gauge folder of FS2004
This is for MFS 2004 only but will work in CF2. Wow had a time finding it, I did this a long time ago. I worked on the org, one back when
it first was done, seams like 100 year ago, makes me fell old, no wait a minit I am old.hehe!!!

P.S. Mathias, got your Talfin, you have come a long way my old friend, You still beating those giutars strings to death?
ok sunny

I'll edit out the gauge,but I'am not sure the explots comment was nessary.I'am learning here and make mistakes.
I did this a long time ago. I worked on the org, one back when
it first was done, seams like 100 year ago, makes me fell old, no wait a minit I am old.hehe!!!

Yeah, those were the days, my friend!

P.S. Mathias, got your Talfin, you have come a long way my old friend, You still beating those giutars strings to death?

Thank you very much. I watched you struggling with my site. Was just going to lend a hand when I saw the notification from the other side.
so, thanks again.
And sure, still strumming along.
I'm the guy on the left with the Goldtop Les Paul.
Not my best day though. :)
I'll live with the error message

I tried editing out,// the gauge but still get the error message so I'am going to plan A which is leave the error message and see what other exploits I can get into.And please ,I may do some dumb stuff but I thought everyone here was to help everyone else,not make them feel like an idiot,(which in my case I guess is true).
I certainly did not mean it that way. I have however followed the threads where you started with a relatively minor annoyance and in the progress of trying suggested solutions ended up with a completely wrecked FS installation to the point where as I recall at one point you declared you'd give up the hobby all together.

I do not have this particular aircraft so I don't know why commenting out the gauge would not work as this basically tells the sim not to load it.

Again I apologize if my earlier post offended you. That was not my intent.

Just for general reference the CFO_Refuel_Dump.GAU is a cfs2 gauge that is not compatable with FS9.

Anyone porting over a cfs2 plane that includes this gauge should always deactivate or remove it from the panel cfg.

When I installed the FS9 update I ended up with a panel cfg that did not include that gauge, is it possible that the panel config you are using is the cfs2 one?
I accept your apology Stefan

It was just that your coment made me feel that it was my fault that things wern't working. I agree I'am not the experanced simmer that you are. You've forgotton more than I'll ever know. I do get discouraged easily ,I don't recall a time when I totally wrecked my sim through something I did purposely, I don't set out to wreck my sim. I only try and follow everones ideas when I have a problem. There have been times when I was able to work out the solution myself, as when OBIO sent me a file' that unknown to him was too big. That wasn't his fault and because he sent me the file it made me look at the size and made me look at the file size on my external HD. It probley was something I had installed that changed the oridignal file, but I'll never know for sure.
I feel that when I come to you guys for help ,everyone is saying to them selves,"oh no it's him again"I hope I'am just being parinoid.
You see I just want to fly not be a computer programer but I realize you have to be both.
Since I have a problem with depression and anixity and low self esteem that has something to do with this ,but thats not your problem.
I have no one else to come too when I have a problem and I don't think my problems are much different than other peoples.
You and the others have been a great help to me and I hope this will continue.
If I get discouraged ,I'am sorry for voiceing my feelings.
I think SOH is the best most knowledgeable and friendly site there is on the web.
I feel your all my friends, and hope you feel the same.
I removed the gauge

I removed the gauge from the panel config. and the root gauges folder and no longer get the error message and can also bring up the Aux. panels with out the sim freezing up. Thanks guys.
Never wrong to voice your feelings mate. In these online exchanges things can often be read one way or another since one does not have the benefit of tonal differences of a voice.
Again I did not mean anything at all negative. We all have different strength and weaknesses.
In my day job I deal with machines and their PC and PLC controls. So for me getting into the guts of my FS rig and the multitude of files FS needs to run is relatively second nature.

Is this aircraft we're talking about here available as freeware ?? In that case I would download it and see what I can find out.

stefan it is freeware

Stefan ,go to REG's ground Crew site and then go to the CFS2 section. There you will find the HeIII and the FS9 update.Mine still had that gauge in the panel config and also in the gauges file, so thats why editing out the gauge in just the panel config file didn't work. I removed the gauge from the panel config and also the main root gauges file and that did the trick.Thanks to pfflyers
btw, the 110 works perfect in FS9 (unfortunatly Not the "Dackelbauch")

Does, with a bit of tweeking; add the .air file and panel from one of their other Me110's and a decent soundpack too



I found it,This Panel is for the Ground Crew He 111. You will need the original Gauges and Michel Vaders
Kedi gauges.And mike wagers duel German mag. gauges. Also place Gauges000 in the main gauge folder of FS2004,if this is something you guys want I will upload!!!

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You can second me on this one - I would be happy with this panel as well as with the one that comes with the bird - this is a little more detailed. Flying this airplane is a pleasure, easy to handle, lands well and has a wonderful view for the pilot.