Guess what flew over my garden!


Charter Member 2016
More than once...

Any ideas?

A Ju52/3m. OK, it was built in Spain and has Jacobs engines, but it's still a Ju52, and it's in Luftwaffe colours. Belongs to EADS and lives up the road at La Ferte. It comes over now and then.
The only thing is that in common with most WW2 aircraft at La Ferte, whoever painted it must be colourblind. The green uppersurfaces are too bright, the blue undersurfaces are too bright and the whole thing is shiny. They've got a Mitchell III there too - B-25J - done up as one of the Op Torch aircraft. Start with the anachronism... And again, the olive drab is deep bright bottle green, and it is oversprayed over the +/- correct sand. But the problem is that it should have been the other way round, the sand over the OD. And the feathered edges where the bottle green meets the sand are really bright blue-green... Some people don't think. Another nice aircraft spoiled because nobody bothered to read the instructions. It's like a ten year old with his Airfix kits...

Oh, and I forgot the Dakota. It was painted OD over pale RLM blue with invasion stripes, and it looked a bit odd. The demarcation between the colours was hard not soft, and the blue was wrong. So I was overjoyed when they stripped it back to the metal, because I imagined thay'd get it right this time. I imagined wrong. They painted it exactly the same colour as before, pale blue, with a hard line delimitation. At least the OD is right...

Clowns. It's not Duxford, I'll tell you that.

The Salis collection though reminds me to a considerable extent of a twelve year old's collection of Airfix kits. Usually painted with not-quite-the-right-shade of gloss paint, with markings that aren't quite right, and pretending to be something it isn't.

A few years ago at the Airshow, we had the unedifying spectacle of a fly-over by three Dassault Flament aircraft in visibly French colours (looks a bit like a Ventura) which the commentator was trying to pass off as He111s in the Battle of France. Painful. Then we had a Morane 504/505 (French-built Storch with radial engine) in blue French colours over Stalingrad or something, and their real Fi156 Storch (Luftwaffe colours) pretending to be a... Morane 500 in Indochina. Painful isn't the word. And it's all like that. Arses and elbows.

At least for the air show they generally get Steven Grey to come with some predictably fantastic aircraft, but I'm not sure how much longer that'll last... The airshow is now organised by Salis, not by La Riviere Publishing, who did it until this year's. As I couldn't get in for free this year, I thought sod them, I won't bother. I don't know how it went... But I'm not that optimistic.
The only thing is that in common with most WW2 aircraft at La Ferte, whoever painted it must be colourblind. The green uppersurfaces are too bright, the blue undersurfaces are too bright and the whole thing is shiny. They've got a Mitchell III there too - B-25J - done up as one of the Op Torch aircraft. Start with the anachronism... And again, the olive drab is deep bright bottle green, and it is oversprayed over the +/- correct sand. But the problem is that it should have been the other way round, the sand over the OD. And the feathered edges where the bottle green meets the sand are really bright blue-green... Some people don't think. Another nice aircraft spoiled because nobody bothered to read the instructions. It's like a ten year old with his Airfix kits...

Oh, and I forgot the Dakota. It was painted OD over pale RLM blue with invasion stripes, and it looked a bit odd. The demarcation between the colours was hard not soft, and the blue was wrong. So I was overjoyed when they stripped it back to the metal, because I imagined thay'd get it right this time. I imagined wrong. They painted it exactly the same colour as before, pale blue, with a hard line delimitation. At least the OD is right...

Clowns. It's not Duxford, I'll tell you that.

And we often get aerobatics by either an AT-6D Harvard, or a Yak-11 - in either case, nice to see and hear. Not to mention the occasional surprise, such as the odd Mustang or Fortress...