Guys, I'm in need of a new PC, everything but the case

Wow guys, thank a bundle! I like that set-up Parky, I think I'll go with that. It' what I am looking for, I don't want to have to upgrade for quite some time. I'm more or less not sick of gaming, I'm sick of having to upgrade everytime a new era of gaming opens up. The last one I did was during the BIA/COD release, but it was worth it. Now, it's really not. I have too many other things (mainly 1 big one sitting in the garage) that need my attention (and cash). So once more into the wallet... and I'm done for a while.

Plus I LOVE FS9/FSX, especially at full detail, with no stuttering.

Pol, yes, I actually had that system in mind. :)

Parky: Some one should create a position on this forum for you as the ultimate tech guru, what great choices!.. now you've got me wanting to upgrade again, but I'll have to wait a few years. :frown:
Geeze Parky now you've got me wanting to build another rig. :costumes:

To all, Last winter Parky guided me through my first PC build, long story short, best and fastest machine I've ever had and over $1000 less than the closest thing that Dell had to offer.

Listen to Parky Otto, he'll set you straight

S! Rip
Geeze Parky now you've got me wanting to build another rig. :costumes:

To all, Last winter Parky guided me through my first PC build, long story short, best and fastest machine I've ever had and over $1000 less than the closest thing that Dell had to offer.

Listen to Parky Otto, he'll set you straight

S! Rip

Yep, same for me.. got a great system with Parky's help.. whatta-guy :applause:
Wow guys, thank a bundle! I like that set-up Parky, I think I'll go with that. It' what I am looking for, I don't want to have to upgrade for quite some time. I'm more or less not sick of gaming, I'm sick of having to upgrade everytime a new era of gaming opens up. The last one I did was during the BIA/COD release, but it was worth it. Now, it's really not. I have too many other things (mainly 1 big one sitting in the garage) that need my attention (and cash). So once more into the wallet... and I'm done for a while.

Plus I LOVE FS9/FSX, especially at full detail, with no stuttering.

Pol, yes, I actually had that system in mind. :)


Yeah Parky put together a nice rig for the cost. That case is a good one. It's big enough that you can get your hands in there to deal with connectors, and it has great airflow. Nice thing too is the usb ports on the front top. It makes it easier for working with flight controls, so when I add a throttle quadrant and rudder pedals again, I won't have to blindly reach around the back, or pull the whole thing out and disconnect everything if I need to change something.

Nice thing too is if you want to upgrade as parts become cheaper, you can. Like adding a second video card, and or a third.
Yeah, I'm going with that set-up. I've been looking at all the parts today, it's a winner for sure. I'm glad we have such a great in-house techie with all the current knowledge.

I dreaded reading all those annoying articles about which CPU is better for this, for that...blah... blah... like I did last time. I wasted so much time doing that.

Thanks Parky!

I'll let you know how it goes... I just have to clear it with my local 'purchasing' department and all should be good. :)


:caked: wow... new smilies... here we go again...
I wouldve went with a bigger hammer though. Let us know how she handles when your done Rip. My piggy bank is almost full and I have to start scoping out my options.

Rip built this one about a year ago, and did a mighty fine job, even with that tiny hammer.

the drill gives air-access to the harddisk, much better cooling this way. The hammer is good for getting those sticking harddisks into the case, and it certainly puts a new meaning in the old DOS "RAMdisk" lol
James whatever you buy aim for the highest GHz CPU wise....assuming you are wanting an OFF PC:

CFS3 only uses one CPU and the raw Ghz counts: an 8400 (dual core but only one core is used to run CFS3) at 3.6 Ghz will outperform a dual or quad at 2.66 Ghz etc.

Most 8400's (3Ghz CPU) will do 3.6 Ghz on stock cooling and even higher on 3rd party coolers

Finally aim for 1Gb Ram on the GPU and you will be fine


Guys, thanks for all the great advice. :)

I'm looking at a $1500 budget tops, including the monitor... so it's a little tight. I've used Newegg and like you've all found, it's certainly the best.

So with that in mind, it's best bang for the buck. I think I'll be staying with XP 32bit as I don't want ANY issues with old stuff I still like to run, I have 2 SATA drives I'll be using, do those are going to save a little dough. I'd just like to put it all into the guts... board, memory, CPU and video.

What is better now, AMD or Intel?

I've always been an AMD guy, but I hear Intel is really coming around now.


Otto, I picked up my Gateway FX 7024 gaming desktop last year for $1,400 and that included a 22 inch HD flat panel monitor with all the appropriate hookups. It has a quad-core q6600 intel chip, 3 gigs of ram, 8800gts overclocked video card, vista (which I have absolutely no complaints over). I don't think you could build one to these specs for less than that. I'm firmly in the Intel camp, they're the only chip I've ever had in my rigs, and they've been absolutely bulletproof. You can't go wrong with an nVidia graphics card. My rig runs OFF P2 consistantly in the high 40's to upper 60's in high resolution. I dip into the 20's during heavy combat, but nothing noticable.

I hate to sound corporate with my suggestions, but this kind of kit is the standard right now. If you plan on doing any other gaming outside of OFF, you can't go wrong with the specs I've listed. I wouldn't trade this rig for any other computer. I'm immensely satisfied with it.

Hope this helps! :wave:
Ok, it's all a manly thing, how big/fast is yours.....

Well, I'm not the guru, but I understand the next "step" is solid state hard drive. No moving parts, and fast, about 15 X faster! Cheap, sure, about $3500 now, but by the time I upgrade, 2 years from now, probably down to $1500?



The choice of CPU is interesting. As you know, I too am looking into getting a new puter. I can choose Duo Core 8500 ( or 8600 ) or this new cpu.
What is the advantage of the quad core, bearing in mind that flight sims- certainly Cfs3 and OFF do not use multi core.?
Also, as i am going XP 32 bit ( so my peripheral's drivers work ), will this new cpu work with XP?
If it does, and this new cpu gives an advantage I'll seriously consider it.

Taking into consideration what Winder just said... which is totally true in regards to OFF...

Mobo - - 130
CPU - - 270
GPU - - 250 - a little less clock speed..
RAM - - 160

Case =110
PSU =105
LCD =290

Total Cost=$1315

How about this setup... Parky... pros and cons? I do want the best out of OFF. What is the difference in speed/performance of the Dual Core compared to the Quad Core on other games like FSX, BIA.... COD5.. etc.

Oh I almost forgot...

What the hell... for this kind of money... might as well make my own bread... get it... money.. dough.. BREAD.... [slaps knee] Bu-hahahahahaha... ahhh... I'm such an idiot...really... I am... ;)
Oh I almost forgot...

What the hell... for this kind of money... might as well make my own bread... get it... money.. dough.. BREAD.... [slaps knee] Bu-hahahahahaha... ahhh... I'm such an idiot...really... I am... ;)[/quote]

i serouisly and concentrated followed your links to take a look at your items you want and at the last link you should have seen may face...
still laughing my ... off :costumes:
Only one core is working when flying OFF/CFS3

.............and very few programs are written for dual core etc. So, get a single core 3.6 Ghz ( big and fast), and overclock to 3.8!!!!!



The choice of CPU is interesting. As you know, I too am looking into getting a new puter. I can choose Duo Core 8500 ( or 8600 ) or this new cpu.
What is the advantage of the quad core, bearing in mind that flight sims- certainly Cfs3 and OFF do not use multi core.?
Also, as i am going XP 32 bit ( so my peripheral's drivers work ), will this new cpu work with XP?
If it does, and this new cpu gives an advantage I'll seriously consider it.

Don't forget about the cooling OVS heat is a killer:rocket:

I have a Coolermaster, as I think Catch 22 does. No problema Senor>

