H.XVIIIB Amerika Bomber - New Jet bomber?

I see... well, the 2500 bomb is 1.7t it seems... brutal :)


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ok, preparing the higher, smoother LOD mesh.
the canopy and wing is basicaly done.

at closer view ingame you may then see three nice german gentlemans, sitting in the interiror ;)


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closer view LOD ingame.
added pilot figures, enclosable gear doors, bay doors, pylon for some weapon and engine emitters.


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glad you like it, guys ;)

ok, time to model some bomb stuff. Ive found a few images, I would do two of them as cfs3 weapon, still dunno too much about such nazi nuke "what-ifs". should take each America Bomber one such single devill tool?

I did the Horten bay able to take one bigger thing at pylon0 (middle of the airplane bottom), holding the bomb with a pylon_null (invicible pylon mesh). would need to know the size (lenght at least) of the single bomb object. it probbaly will need to let open bay doors to hold there some fatman variants.

once the devastator stuff will be modelled, we would need someone who would make a proper bomber flight model and the bomb settings / efetcs. if this things will be not done, the stuff is useless / unreleasable for all of you.
my current CFS3 Horten is a copy of MiG-15 physics (yeah, LOL) and isnt able to fly heavy bomb loadout :)


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thanks :)

ok, two America Bomber weapons created and ingame. 2x 4.5 tone bomb (plutonium "Innsbruck" type and uranimum "Ohroruf" type).

I did the weapon proportions from the image source above, where the Horten wing is with the Innsbruck type bomb presented. the bomb bay is small for such large weapons, but it was excepatble. the doors needs to be open.

I did the bomb door animation vice versa, so, when the bomb is released, you can close the door.


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a nuke bomb test and skin template made.


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glad you like the America Bomber low poly :)

as mentioned, such mini-project is relatively well and quickly doable relating to the external 3d model and basic CFS3 features.

I could tweak some mesh shape there or here and merge the LODs and add the damage effects and basically I am done.
people will be able to repaint the bomber if they wish with the included skin template.

now just depends, if this project will die or if we find someone who can made the flight model and bomb settings.
as to the a-bombs I simply took FirePower Little Boy xdp settings, just decreased its weight, to be able to take it with our Horten into the sky.

some interesting notes to play the aircraft by player instead of planned AI:

Ive tried to merge our Horten 18B model with the stock CFS3 Horten/Gotha 229 virtual cockpit, just out of a pure curiosity, but it would need to reposition the main gmax model or its world axis node, which in case of such big airplane comparing to the small Gotha would take big effect on the current flight model (center of mass, contact points etc.).
the Gotha VC is positioned now under the wing, bottom, neraby of the bomb bay doors :) also, our Horten 18 is four engined jet, the Ho/Go 229 is two egined...

so I made a simple VC eyepoint into our regular Horten interiror. it doesnt look too much well because of the model mesh simplicity / lack of details or even gauges, but allows to "enjoy" the feeling of the pilot / bomber / navigator seat nicely, esp. when formation flight :)

I may add some eyepoint at some outside position aswell, somewhere behind and upper of the canopy, it may look cool maybe.

what I dont know is how to make the regular CFS3 bomber view. any tips, guys?
I take my hat off to you, BorekS. I really hope someone has the time to help you with the air file and the bomb aimer position etc. You work so fast that I suspect those few with the ability to help are a little stretched. I would happily try to hash up something but unfortunately my health is problematic at present.

It is a pleasure to see all these projects on the go :applause:
:) thanks :)

ok, I did the bombsight view the way I was supposing it may work... and it surprisingly somehow works. aside the common "static" bomb view I did a second bomb site camera set, positioned at the bay, over the weapon, which allows to manually track the falling bomb a bit.
I dunno exactly how to properly aim the targed to hit it successfully, but the nuke bomb doesnt need to be much accurate infact :)


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and here are the shots of the mentioned VC cam set. its the simple external mesh, three crew - three cams. no textures, no gauges. but its better then nothing, I suppose ;)
could be all improved in future, but its not the goal now.

also new test skin made...


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Wow...nice one Boreks ! so many project you've there :applause::applause:
btw can we have a decent ww2 pilot model too !?! #myrequest :D
thanks, mate ;)

next step is to texture the (external) interiror and bomb bay / doors. Ive also tweaked some mesh parts for the LOD_100...

if you think with a decent ww2 pilot model something better then the stock CFS3 figures, I have just the Komet figure only.
having no plan to model something new now, sorry ;)

for the America Bomber project I wanted to do it all as simpler as it gets. well, I may try to put the "bad boy" pilot from the Komet airplane, but such figures then are visible at the game menu airfield scene sitting inside. also I am not sure if they can bail-out... ok, a true is they looks very spooky with the oxygen mask and googles - atomic devils :)
