No Dice Charter Member Jul 2, 2012 #1 Hope you have a Great One Guy Dave :salute: :birthday2 :salute:
I Ivan SOH-CM-2025 Jul 2, 2012 #3 Happy Birthday Hubbabubba! :birthday2 Hope things are going well in your world! Take Care My Friend. - Ivan the Temporarily Single.
Happy Birthday Hubbabubba! :birthday2 Hope things are going well in your world! Take Care My Friend. - Ivan the Temporarily Single.
hubbabubba Charter Member Jul 3, 2012 #4 Thanks guys! Tempus fugit That's what it says under a clock in my kitchen (which has been stopped for years btw...). But why does tempus has to fugit so freakingly fast! 55 was a nice, balanced, kind of number. But 56? Naaa... I just hope 57 will be ketchup!
Thanks guys! Tempus fugit That's what it says under a clock in my kitchen (which has been stopped for years btw...). But why does tempus has to fugit so freakingly fast! 55 was a nice, balanced, kind of number. But 56? Naaa... I just hope 57 will be ketchup!
S smilo Charter Member Jul 4, 2012 #5 if you think time flew at 56, wait until you're 65. don't worry, it'll be here in no time.
M minuteman10 Charter Member Jul 8, 2012 #6 My Bad!....Mieux vaut tard que jamais! Happy Birthday my friend!
I Ivan SOH-CM-2025 Jul 10, 2012 #7 Time Flies There was a very beautiful racing plane called "Time Flies" that was sponsored by the Gruen Watch Company back in the 1930's. - Ivan.
Time Flies There was a very beautiful racing plane called "Time Flies" that was sponsored by the Gruen Watch Company back in the 1930's. - Ivan.