• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

    Questions or comments please post them in the regular forums. Which forum is that... Well it is the one you spend the most time in.

    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

Have a problem with a certain developer?

I would rather that if someone has a problem with me to confront me with that problem and lets talk it out. I don't like to be stabbed in the back and not know about it.
If someone has a problem with something I did or created, I'd like them to ask me. No one else knows what I had in mind when I did it.
N2056, are you going to the Miramar airshow?

Hey, that was actually last week...I passed on Saturday because the weather was not too good, and ended up working on Sunday :banghead:

I understand the desire for people to speak their mind, and I served in the Navy for 10 years because I believe in things like freedom of speech. Personally, I know who is behind the site, and I know what brought it about. I consider myself a semi-pro developer, and after a lot of hard work I'm proud to be part of a team. That gives me a perspective on the 'hobby' that many people don't have.

I am choosing not to expound on my thoughts further as then I might as well just go to that site. I have had a few forays at other sites about developer things, and I realized that trying to defend a position with people that only see one side of the coin was a waste of my time & blood pressure. I'd rather spend my time making good planes! :d
I went over there just to check it out, and, it was just me. Since my personal policy is to not argue with myself, I decided to log off.
Guys, it's not really about being obscene, vulgar, classless or lude. It's more about being able to publish an honest opinion. Let's say you bought a product that was absolutely horrible. Wouldn't you wish someone had told you before you bought it? Just as people are too rude, people are too nice. Most major MSFS websites have a vested interest in not publishing outright negative reviews, especially those with stores attached. While a site like this does attract people that just want to be negative, it'll also attract honest reviews and real information.

N2056, are you going to the Miramar airshow?

Problem with this is that many don't know how to make a point about a problem without being rude. It's all in how you word things and also in how sensitive the developer is. We all have seen developers in the forums that take things totally the wrong way, no matter how polite or constructive you are.

I feel the biggest issue is the lack of understanding from the consumers as to what is involved in the design process. I occasionally call vendors on things they post about with upcoming products that I know can be changed or done another way and hopefully my posts are taken as constructive, rather than negative.

As long as you are not posting in a forum where the developer doesn't want to hear any critisicm (we all know about those forums) or are doing it in a mean way, I don't see any reason why issues can't be pointed out.
..........As long as you are not posting in a forum where the developer doesn't want to hear any critisicm (we all know about those forums) or are doing it in a mean way, I don't see any reason why issues can't be pointed out.

Sim-outhouse seems to have pretty good moderation, in that I don't think anyone feels like they can't speak their mind here. Evidence of that is the fact that this thread is even allowed to exist. Not all are like that. We all know of those forums where you can't get a good review or find out why someone's mad without things getting crazy and the thread gets locked or posts get deleted. That's exactly why forums with different moderation are needed. No, we don't need to mindlessly bash each other, and we don't need to bash people's businesses for no reason; but bad experiences really do need to get let out in broad daylight. Hasn't everyone purchased something that they wish they hadn't because of a lack of information? hasn't everyone swore off a business before even making one purchase? If you know that 'so and so of developer x told a customer to go to hell' are you likely to buy from them?

There are many great, talented and generous people in this hobby. For every two of them, there's at least one crooked and arrogant guy that gets customers through misleading them. There's also several businesses that are infamous for releasing products with glaring issues that they choose not to support. We may know about them, or think we do, but does someone brand new to the hobby? Do you want a guy who's never purchased an add-on before to get bitter and not buy from good devs?

I went a long time based on a few initial purchases thinking that there were no good payware add-ons for MSFS. It's only been in the last few years that I've changed my mind by taking a leap of faith and finding add-ons I can't live without now.

As for it being more admirable to tell these things directly to a devs face, most with problems have without avail. Even then, a customer who's made a purchase owes nothing to a developer. The developer owes the purchaser good support. If a 'jilted' customer is full of BS and just wants to complain, it'll all come out in the wash if everyone's straightforward with them, right?
One of the reasons, well, the main reason I come here is because the people here are cool. I am a Flightsim nut first, and a developer second, and the atmosphere here is positive.

We find more cool scenery and aircraft in a day and exchange notes on them without having to be rude, cut-throat, and negative sounding.

Man, if all I did was complain and ridicule and say garbage about people all the time, I dont know how I could live with myself. I would start to feel like the words that were coming from me.

I am one person your new forum could not use.

And what I thoroughly enjoy about Sim-Outhouse is that we're privileged to have as participating members many developers, both free & payware....

I hope foul posts don't ruin that luxury & privilege that we enjoy here...
Honestly, I don't know how much talk and deep discussion there can be on Dev's and their products. It's only part of the mix...certainly nothing you could base an entire forum on.

Deter, I grow weary of this conversation. Now, it is time to dance...
In my larval stages as a developer I spent a lot of time at Avsim...then I discovered FreeFlightDesign and found a home. For anyone that is trying to make a plane that site is 'required reading' :applause:

Lionheart pointed me at this place. I have been very happy that he did. I found the crowd to be very level-headed and fun. I appreciate the fact that there are places here for every temperament...one stop shopping! :costumes:
Lionheart pointed me here too. This is my favorite bunch of enthusiasts to hang out with cause even when there's a disagreement pretty much everyone maintains respect and control.
Speaking of which... it was Ken who brought me here when I did the ole Lear turboprop.

I hope you are well Ken and thanks for showing me SOH.

Thanks for the link Walker but I take the stuff I read in this and other forums far too personally already even though all I do is paint textures and try to make sure things get tested before release. I don't need the added aggravation. :banghead: