Hawker Hunter package

Thanks so much for this, @DaveWG! Absolutely brilliant work, and what a package!

For the folks having throttle problems, a recent sim update broke some throttles. The solution that fixes things without requiring you to change joystick profiles depending on planes is to map both "Throttle" and "Throttle 1" (and "Throttle 2" through "...4") to your joystick throttle axis. (Assuming you only have a single throttle access.) You can have multiple things mapped to a single axis, so this solves the problem even for planes that haven't yet been updated to fix the issue.
And now make a right turn, lower flaps and gear and land in Alpnach ;)
I love how many pilots fly this piece of art in and out of the reduit airfields in Switzerland. Yesterday I intercepted another Hunter above the Vierwaldstättersee and we flew together back to Altenrhein, where IRL Hunters were being maintained and even today there's still one Hunter based there and operated by the FMA. two years ago there were 3 Hunters (HB-RVP/ex J-4205, HB-RVV/ex J-4206 and HB-RVU/ex J-4086) based and active but the VU has been sold and the VV has been taken out of active duty last year.
Really looking forwards to the Hunterfest in St Stephan in August, I hope to get some decent shots of the Papyrus for a high fidelty repaint.