Hawker Seahawk

JanKees repaints are surely beautiful so I suppose I'll pull on my old flack jacket and post the Sea Hawk to-morrow.

I got the Sea Hawk from the SOH library, nice job and thanks Rob! I like that you were able to preserve the instrument panel switches to turn on/off the visible drop tanks and actuate the tail hook.

Huub, Ace of Diamonds is one of Rob's default skins, so that is already taken care of.

I'd recommend tweaking the CG parameters in flight_model.cfg. As downloaded, it has CG_forward_limit=0.245 and CG_aft_limit=-0.5 (negative 0.5), and a comment saying these are "w.r.t reference datum." That is incorrect, the CG limits in MSFS are expressed in percentage of mean aerodynamic chord (MAC), where 0.0 is the mean leading edge and 1.0 is the mean trailing edge. The aft limit must be larger than the forward limit or you get some wild behavior which you'll see if you try to adjust the CG in the w&b screen when on the runway. Better values would be


and I find that setting the slider at 25% MAC gives you decent flight characteristics and an appropriate posture when on the ground.

In my installation, the tuning knob for one the of the radios constantly spins and cycles through the frequencies. I think it is the NAV1 radio, but haven't determined whether it screws up navigation yet. Curious whether others see this, could be it's a "stuck key" associated with my controller setup.

Does the autopilot still work? I see that the three switches for PWR, HDG and ALT still work, although the ALT one won't turn off after I turn it on. It's not clear that they do anything but maybe I just haven't found the master AP switch.

Flight handling is nice, seems a little wild in yaw on the runway even though I see you have yaw stability dialed up to 3 in flight_tuning. I"m going to try mine on 5.

As I clearly state in the heading text and the enclosed readme I am well aware of the models shortcomings, you must have missed it.
Sorry Rob! Didn't mean to be negative. It's a fine plane, perhaps users will find my CG suggestions useful, and if I can fix any of the other minor issues, I will let the group know.

Sorry Rob! Didn't mean to be negative. It's a fine plane, perhaps users will find my CG suggestions useful, and if I can fix any of the other minor issues, I will let the group know.


"It's a fine plane" would have been good for me!
Unfortunately, the cabin roof does not open and there are no chocks,covers

But it is a very pleasant bird

The model is a work of art and looks fantastic in MSFS and am looking forward to taking it for a spin. Thanks for your work.
Sorry Rob! Didn't mean to be negative. It's a fine plane, perhaps users will find my CG suggestions useful, and if I can fix any of the other minor issues, I will let the group know.


I definitely find them useful, thank you!