Heinkel He177 A5 for Fs9 uploaded

Very nice Shessi. Thanks to you and the team!

Now off to try to get a flight in before an engine catches fire...
Moses, this is the new and improved He177 A-5/R4. The tight cowling problem has been addressed! LOL!!:biggrin-new:

Outstanding work as always, Thanks Shessi and Team

Now that looks brilliant!

Here's to hoping that someone will convert it to FSX/P3Dv4 standards!! :jump:

Hallo friends,

there are still some development potential in this bird,
For example a bombsight which will have a lense close to the german bombsights and
bomb effects with sound.
And of course a real manual in the way as the german pilots learned to use this bomber.
Now the question is: would be an interest for that?
Because some people fly the war birds like surviving warbirds on an airshow display. Others try even with
the limitations of fs9 to fly more like in war time.
Now I wait for your reactions.
Well done Papi.
If I may, Would it be possible, in the documentation, to number the gauges & number the description, instead of to a guage number in the panel.cfg.
It will be easier for us to see what the actual guage is.

Otherwise, the more information, the better.

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Hallo friends,

there are still some development potential in this bird,
For example a bombsight which will have a lense close to the german bombsights and
bomb effects with sound.
And of course a real manual in the way as the german pilots learned to use this bomber.
Now the question is: would be an interest for that?
Because some people fly the war birds like surviving warbirds on an airshow display. Others try even with
the limitations of fs9 to fly more like in war time.
Now I wait for your reactions.

I think a real manual would be very interesting!
Thanks a lot for your work
He 177 Bomber manual

Hallo Friends,
The panel and FD' s have been updated, the bombsight works.
The effects work also
Now comes the hardest work for me: to make the concording panel docs with the gauges numbered and explained:banghead:
Than the Exerzier-Karte, which will be kind of checklist.

Now Taffy-boy,
Get yer finger out and do some of your beautiful screenies of this bird, not the flippin' tube-liners, as we seem to be turning into Ohlooktheresanotherprettyairliner.com...ha ha! (only kidding..;))

Glad you like it, Chris makes a mean model and tex.


Hi Shessi,

I'll try my best but can't promise though - particularly as I've just rediscovered the MelJet Boeings, specifically the 777 and the plethora of repaints available for it. As it comes with a paint-kit I think it needs a "Air Wales" livery ;-)

Seriously though, the Heinkel He177 is stunning and very much appreciated. The generosity of all those who contributed to its production and then made it freely available to the community is to be applauded :applause:

We are not (most of the time) worthy.


Now Taffy-boy,
Get yer finger out and do some of your beautiful screenies of this bird, not the flippin' tube-liners, as we seem to be turning into Ohlooktheresanotherprettyairliner.com...ha ha! (only kidding..;))

Glad you like it, Chris makes a mean model and tex.


Hi BvA,
Yes, a 277...when I get the chance, but it's not high up the list, but will be done...sometime.....:onthego:


Now that looks brilliant!

Here's to hoping that someone will convert it to FSX/P3Dv4 standards!! :jump:

I does work rather brilliantly in FSX as is. No texture glitches on the props (which look great) and minimal on the glazing when a cloud gets behind it. (This seems to affect the blisters mostly, with the second one after the cockpit seeming to be the worst offender.) The only instrument that doesn't work in FSX is the homing indicator and I doubt I'll miss that at all!
Great model guys, thanks again :encouragement:


Glad you like it Huub.

And good that you're back into Fs9. FSX and P3D is ok for the glitteratti, but the real people are here with Fs9 and the CFS's...;).............................kidding of course!

I'm doing a couple of other versions of the 177. Just finished the Hs293 version, and there is a 'geheim!' version as well.

